Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tues.'s Devo - Why Keep Counting?

Let's take a reprieve from our count and answer a very good question. Why are numbers important for us to understand? God has a reason for everything he does and everything he created. When we start understanding the meaning of all this things He becomes bigger and we start hearing and understanding his signs.
When you know that number 1 means "beginning" and you match that with the verse in 2 Pet 3:8 "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day," and you realized "beginning" describes the first thousand years. In that time it was the beginning of everything. In the plagues of Egypt the first curse was against the waters - he turned the water to blood. This also describes our beginning with the Lord. Remember on the first day God moved upon the waters which is exactly what happened the day we met Christ: he moved upon our spirit.
The second day God stretched out his hand over the waters and divided them. During the second millennium God sent his law to divide right from wrong. He gave them their choice: the blessings or the curses. In the second plague Moses stretched out his rod over the waters, and frogs came from the waters. When we get saved we have the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin and we have to make a decision about what to do about it.
The third day God made seed which produces fruit. In the 3rd millennium Abraham started his seed which bred the Israelites - God's people. Moses smote the dust and knats came out of the dust and killed the seed planted in the ground. We came from dust and we have the power to give life or kill. In our walk with Christ we start conforming to the seed planted in us.
On the 4th day God sent lights to rule the darkness and the day. In the 4th plague God sent darkness over the land but he made a distinction between Egypt and Gothan. Gothan had light. In the 4th millennium God sent The Light, Jesus, to illumine the way to God. He also sent the prophets with eyes to see and point out the path for us. In our walk we start seeing through the light of his Word as we grow in it. We become a light that shines Jesus.
This is an example of how important numbers are. God repeats numbers over and over to help us see what He is doing. Lord, let this be understandable so we might see how you work and your extraordinary order.

1 comment:

Larsen Family said...

Thanks for the info, trying to fully wrap my brain around it, but thanks for taking today to explain.