Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday's Devo - By Faith...

Read Romans 5: 1-11
Verse one is what the world is looking for: peace with God. To think that a holy God can actually justify our sin and make us able to approach Him takes a lot of faith. It doesn't make sense to the natural mind. We do not deserve to come into God's presence, be cleansed of our sins, or have peace with a holy God, but that is what Jesus died to do. It is all "by faith".
Even our tribulations bring us glory. I had to read that one again. I would think it should read that our tribulations bring Him glory but it says that WE glory in tribulations. It is because we know that they work patience. The word "work" in the Greek means "accomplish". They do accomplish patience because there is no way to speed up a trial. God has put our times in his hands and he is in control of them. Waiting on God causes us to press into Him. It causes us to experience him in a new way. David had to wait on God for years before he saw God's promise to him fulfilled. During this time of waiting he received strength, courage, rest, humility, spiritual insight and it all lead to hope. David was annointed and promised the kingdom but it came with much battle and opposition. The devil does not want you to inherit your promise. He will fight you for it. Let it produce hope in you because hope does not disappoint. God IS hope and he does not disappoint.
All through the Old Testament they were waiting for a Saviour. That was their hope. When it looked like there was no hope, Jesus appeared. He came when the earth was the darkest and brought the light. There are very few people we would think worthy of laying our lives down for....maybe our family. But God loved us in our unworthiness and laid his son's life down for us. If God saved us from death when we were sinners and his enemy, how much more will he give us life now that we have come to him and received his atonement.
Lord, what a plan! We cannot comprehend such love that you have for us. Thank you for your overwhelming love.

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