Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday's Devo - People and Places

Many times the setting of our dream is a house. The Bible tells us that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Temple had many storehouses guarded by gatekeepers and these rooms held treasures. We dream of different rooms that represent the many facets of ourselves. The kitchen would represent our heart and our Bible study since everyone is drawn to the kitchen as a place of communion and eating. I would rather entertain someone at my kitchen table than in my living room. It is more intimate to me. If you dream of your living room you are dreaming of "where you live in public". It is where you entertain the crowd, sit with your family and visit or watch TV so it is the everyday living. Your bedroom can represent rest, intimacy, or privacy. It is not your public life but what you know that most others don't. Your bathroom is a place of repentence. In the bathroom you are either getting rid of waste from your body or cleaning yourself. This is your prayer place where you are honest with God. Halls are transition places. The front yard is your future and the back yard is your past.
Sometimes we dream of people in our past that we haven't seen for years and wonder why in the world we dreamed about them. Seldom is it really them. Ususally it is a part of you that is represented by that person. So you have to think of what word describes that person to you. For example, if that person reminds you of a control-freak then God is addressing that in you by putting them in your mirror. Many times if you dream about your dad he represents God and your husband can represent God or Jesus. Symbols can also represent the opposite. You dad could represent the devil. That is where you have to ask God for discernment. A cat usually represents a demon but if it is your family pet that you adore then it could represent Jesus, the one who loves you unconditionally.
Sometimes symbols are not universal but are personal and only you would know what it means. In Judges 7 the Midianite knew that the cake of barley bread stood for Gideon (maybe because it was barley season and that is what Gideon would be harvesting). I don't know, but God knew this Midianite would get it. He gave him the ability to interpret the dream right.
Hope this helps some. Happy dreaming. Lord, give us dreams and teach us to interpret them. Tomorrow we'll talk about bread.


Unknown said...

Hey, Ginny. Thanks for writing. I'm posting so that you know I was here!

Ginny's gems said...

Thanks, welcome back. I've missed your comments.