Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - Salvation Through the Blood

Read: Exodus 12:14-13:16; Matthew 20:29-21:22; Psalm 25:16-22: Proverbs 6:12-15 God said that this was a day to remember. He gave them the ordinances of his feasts so they could join with him in celebrating them. *** The first feast was Unleavened Bread which was to last 7 days. They were to eat no yeast during this week. On the seventh day they would have a holy assembly with no work done except to prepare the food. It was to remind them that the Egyptians forced them out of their land in such haste they didn’t have time to let their bread rise. It was to be celebrated every year on the fourteenth day of the first month of their new calendar. *** Then they were told how to prepare their Passover meal. They were to slaughter the lamb and use a hyssop branch to dip and smear on the top and sides of their door frames. Then they were to enter their house through the blood and stay. That night the death angel would pass over and if they had the blood on their door, it would not kill their firstborn. They were to celebrate these feasts every year from here out. *** That night the death angel passed over Egypt and killed the first born of Pharaoh down to the first born of the prisoners in the dungeon and even the first born of their cattle. There was not a single house where someone had not died. *** Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron during the night and told them to get out. The Egyptians urged them to leave also. *** The Israelites left during the night and left with the riches of Egypt. There were 600,000 men plus the women and children. Some of the Egyptians went with them also. *** They had lived in Egypt exactly 430 years. The day they ate their Passover meal they were delivered from Egypt. *** God had just saved their first born son with the blood so he explained that they were now his. He had bought them with blood. This festival would be a visible sign to them like a mark branded on their hand or their forehead. It was to remind them that on this day, God rescued them from bondage. This is the celebration of salvation. *** They were to present every first born son to the Lord but then they must buy him back. Jesus died on the cross to purchase us. We buy ourselves back by offering ourselves on the altar. When we do this, we get to live forever instead of dying in sin. That is how we buy ourselves back. *** In Matthew, Jesus was nearing Jerusalem to die. He met two blind men and healed their blindness. He send the disciples ahead to the city to bring a donkey God had prepared for him to ride in as their king. The people that were coming to Jerusalem for the Passover saw him and put their garments and cut down branches to spread on the road to honor him as their king. They sand praised to him as he entered the city. *** When the people of the city heard the singing they asked what was going on and they said it was Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth. *** Jesus entered the Temple and drove out the people buying and selling animals. He upended the tables of money changers and cried that His Temple will be called a house of prayer, but they had turned it into a den of thieves. *** Jesus healed the blind and the lame and the children sang praises to him. The leaders were indignant when they heard the songs of the children. They asked Jesus about it and his reply was, “Haven’t you ever read the Scriptures?” (I bet that got them upset.) “For they say, ‘You have taught children and infants to give you praise.’” Then he left and went to Bethany. In the morning he went back to Jerusalem and on the way he noticed a fig tree beside the road. He went to see if it bore fruit but there were only leaves. He cursed the tree to never bear fruit again. When his disciples questioned him about it, he talked about faith. The fig tree represented the state that Israel was in. It had not recognized its king, so he cursed it. We can do this also to corrupt evil entities that defy God. We are not to tolerate evil in our nation. We can curse their plans and their authority and loose God’s righteous government in our land. Lord, we do that. We curse the powers of deception and perversion that have ruled in our nation and our world. We proclaim your Kingdom come. We pray that everything the devil has planned for us will boomerang back on them. We pray for righteousness to reign in America and in the nations.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tues.’s Devo - The Last Plague

Read: Exodus 10:1-12:13; Matthew 20:1-28; Psalm 25:1-15; Proverbs 6:6-11 God told Moses that he was doing all of this to Egypt so that they could tell all the great things God did for them to their future generations. This would be their testimony of God’s great deliverance for them. *** He once again told Pharaoh to let them go to celebrate the Lord. If they refused they would have locusts tomorrow. Pharaoh refused and they got locusts that ate up everything that was left. Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and begged him to take the locust away before they all died. Moses prayed and God sent a wind to blow the locusts away. Still Pharaoh wouldn’t let them go. *** God sent the ninth plague which was a thick darkness. They were shut up in their homes for three days. In Goshen there was light. Pharaoh called in Moses and told them they could go but they had to leave their cattle. Moses argued that they needed their animals to sacrifice and they wouldn’t know which ones until they got there. Pharaoh sent them away angrily. *** It was now time for the death of the first born like God had said at the very beginning. It would be the last plague and then Pharaoh would drive them out. *** God told Moses for the people to ask their Egyptian neighbors for silver and gold and they freely gave it to them. By this time, they feared the Israelite’s and their God. *** Moses told Pharaoh and his people that at midnight God would go out into the midst of Egypt and kill their firstborn from the throne to the poorest family. Then they will beg them to leave Egypt. Moses then left Pharaoh in great anger. *** God told Moses that this month will be there first month of the year for them. It was the seventh on their calendar. It would be their born-again birthday. On the tenth of this month every man was to take a lamb enough to feed his whole household. This lamb shall have no blemish and be a year old. They were to keep it set aside till the fourteenth and then kill it at twilight. They were to take some of the blood and sprinkle it on the two door posts and the lintel of their house. They were to eat the flesh on that nigh, roasted with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. None of it was to remain until the morning. Whatever was left should be burned up in the fire. They are to eat it dressed to travel. On that night God would strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt. The blood they put on their doors would be a sign for the angel of death to pass over their house and not kill their firstborn. *** Jesus gave them a parable to explain the kingdom of heaven. A landowner hired workers throughout the day. He promised the first workers one denarius but the rest he told them he would pay them what was right. At the end of the day he started with the ones who had been hired the last hour and gave them a denarius and then everyone after that. When the ones got their payment who had worked 12 hours complained, he told them that he was paying them what they agreed to work for. It was his right to pay the rest what he wanted to pay them. *** We are in the eleventh hour right now and we will get done for the kingdom the equivalent of what men had done in the years before us. We are about to bring in a billion souls into the kingdom really quickly. How exciting!!! *** The mother of James and John came to Jesus to ask if her sons could sit on thrones beside him in his kingdom. Jesus knew she had no idea what she was asking because to get that honor would come through much death and suffering on earth. He told her that he was not the one who would decide that honor. God would. When the other disciples found out what she had done, they were really upset. Jesus called them all together and explained that the kingdom of God was not set up like the worldly kingdoms. To be first in his kingdom you had to be last in the worldly kingdom. Humility was the way to greatness with God. *** Lord, may we exalt your kingdom on the earth and be about your business whatever that is. May we hear your voice and quickly obey. We pray for the coming harvest that we would be ready to work in you field.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - The Plagues

Read: Exodus 8:1-9:35; Matthew 19:13-30; Psalm 24:1-10; Proverbs 6:1-5 God sent Moses back to Pharaoh to announce that he needed to let his people go so they could worship him. Since the Pharaoh refused, God would send a plague of frogs that would come out of the Nile River and be everywhere in their houses. When Aaron raised his staff it happened. The magicians were able to do the same think with their magic but they couldn’t reverse it. This was a direct attack against their goddess Heqt who helped women in childbirth. Frogs were associated with this god. God had come to wage war on the gods of Egypt. *** The Pharaoh called Moses to get rid of the frogs and he would let them go and sacrifice. Moses said he would and the frogs would be gone tomorrow. When Pharaoh saw the frogs gone he went back to business as usual and refused to let them go. *** God told Moses to have Aaron stretch out his rod and strike the dust of the land and it would become lice. They attacked the men and their beasts. God said that this time, they would not come into the land of Goshen because God was making a dividing line to show that His people and the Pharaoh’s people were different in his eyes. The flies came into the house of Pharaoh and all the land of Egypt but not in Goshen. *** Pharaoh told Moses they could sacrifice but they had to do it in the land of Egypt and not leave. Moses explained that to kill a cow in Egypt would be an abomination to the Egyptians since they worshipped the cow. They needed to go three days out. He told them they could go but not that far. He asked Moses to pray for him. Moses did and the flies were gone the next day. Pharaoh hardened his heart and wouldn’t let them go. *** The fifth plague was against the cattle and many died. Still the Pharaoh wouldn’t let them go. The sixth plague was ashes that turned to boils on the bodies of the Egyptians. The magicians could’t stand before Moses on this one. Still Pharaoh wouldn’t budge. *** The seventh plague was very heavy hail in a land that hardly saw rain. It killed everything that was not covered. It killed people, animals, the wheat in the field and broke every tree. In Goshen there was no hail. Pharaoh called for Moses this time and begged him to take thunder and lighting and hail away. Moses told him he would but he knew that they still didn’t fear God. He was right, as soon as the storm was gone, Pharaoh hardened his heart and wound’t let them go. *** Jesus blessed the children when the disciples rebuked them. He put his hands on them and said that the kingdom of heaven was much like them. *** A man came to Jesus asking about how to get to heaven. He believed it could be achieved by doing good works. So Jesus gave him a work to do that he couldn’t do to prove that this man could’ be righteous enough to enter heaven, only with God was that possible. He told his disciples that when this generation is reborn and Jesus sits on his throne, they will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Everyone who gives all to follow him will be rewarded and inherit eternal life. *** Lord, may we rest in the knowledge that our salvation is a gift to all who call upon the name of the Lord. May our lives reflect our thankfulness to you.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - The First Plague

Read: Exodus 5:22-7:25; Matthew 18:21-19:12; Psalm 23:1-6; Proverbs 5:22-23 Moses returned to the Lord and was very discouraged. Instead of delivering them, he had caused them more work and now the people he came to help, hated him. Moses asked God why he let this happen. The Lord didn’t respond to his complaining He told him that when God was through with the Pharaoh, he would force them to leave. God always gives us the ending first. He had already told him that he would kill Pharaoh’s first born and now he told him how it would end for them. *** God also revealed another name of himself - Yahweh or Jehovah, the Eternal God. He had already revealed himself to Abraham as El-Shaddai - the God who is Enough and the All-Powerful. God remembered his covenant with Abraham and he would bring them to the land He promised them. God would rescue them from their bondage and do it with great judgments. He would take them as his people and be their God. *** Moses told all of this to the children of Israel but they wound’t listen to him because of the hard bondage they were under. The Lord sent him to Pharaoh to tell him to let the children of Israel go out of his land. Moses complained that if his own people wouldn’t listen, why would Pharaoh. *** The lineage of Reuben, Simeon and Levi were given. Moses and Aaron came from the Levites. Moses would stand in God’s place before the Pharaoh and Aaron would stand before Pharaoh as Moses’ prophet. Aaron would confirm everything he said. Moses was to say everything the Lord told him to say and then God would harden Pharaoh’s heart and he wouldn’t do what he asked. God would then bring is hand of judgment down on the land of Egypt. *** Moses went to the Pharaoh and did his first miracle with the rod, but Pharaoh’s magicians copied it. Moses snake ate up theirs. This really made the Pharaoh mad. Now God could sent the first plague. Moses was sent to stand by the bank of the Nile and meet Pharaoh when he came. He was to take his rod and tell him that the Lord God of the Hebrews says to “Let my people go, that they may serve him in the wilderness. *** Moses did and then he stretched forth his rod over the waters of Egypt - its streams, rivers, ponds ad all their pools of water and they became blood. Even the water in their buckets and pitchers became blood. The fish died and the water stunk. The magicians of Egypt did the same thing with their enchantments but they couldn’t reverse it. Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he turned and went home. The Egyptians had to dig around the river for water to drink. They did this for seven days. *** In Matthew, the disciples asked Jesus about forgiveness. First they asked how many chances should they give a person who sins against them. Jesus answered how they should forgive them… seventy times seven which mean completely and thoroughly. Then he gave them a story of a man who got forgiven for a great debt but didn’t extend that forgiveness to the next person. It cost him greatly. *** God gave us marriage to represent the covenant we have with God. Jesus tried to explain that unfaithfulness is the only thing that can separate us from him. Divorce is a cutting off of a promise or covenant. There was a legal way to do it and a wrong way. God never intended us to want to break our covenant with our spouse or with him. *** Lord, may we desire to be joined to you and be one.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - Moses' Commission

Read: Exodus 4:1-5:21; Matthew 18:1-20; Psalm 22:19-31; Proverbs 5:15-21 Moses was afraid the people wouldn’t listen to him so God gave him two signs. God asked him what was in his hand. It was his rod. God told him to throw it down and it became a serpent and Moses ran from it. God told him to reach out his hand and take it by the tail. (The last way you would pick up a snake.) Moses obeyed and it became a rod. Then God told him to put his hand in his chest. When he drew it out it was leprous. Then he told him to put it back in and when he drew it back out, it was well. *** If they didn’t believe these signs, He gave Moses a third. He was to take water from the Nile and put it on the dry land, the water would become blood on the land. Next, Moses told the Lord he was not a good speaker. God told him that he made his mouth and he could help him speak clearly. Moses begged the Lord to choose someone else to speak. God was getting tired of Moses’ excuses. He told him that his brother Aaron could speak well and he would speak through him. He was on his way to meet with him. *** Moses went home and explained to his father-in-law what he must do. He gave Moses his blessing. God assured Moses it was time to go and that all the men who had wanted to kill him were dead. He reminded him to do all his miracles the Lord had shown him. When the Pharaoh refuses to let him leave he was to tell the Pharaoh that Israel is God’s firstborn and if you refuse to let them go, God will kill your firstborn. *** On the way, the Lord met him and sought to kill him because he had not circumcised his first born. Zipporah did it quickly. *** God told Aaron to go meet Moses in the wilderness ad he showed him all the signs the Lord had given him. Moses and Aaron met with the elders of Israel and told them what the Lord had said and showed them the signs. They believe and bowed their heads and worshipped the Lord. *** The real test of their worship came when they met with Pharaoh. When he heard their request, he was incensed. He was so upset they had taken off work to come and meet with him and wanted to take even more time off to go and have a celebration to their God, that he made them make up the work and added impossible quotas to the already impossible work. They now had to gather their own material to make bricks and had to end up with the same number of bricks they had before. This was Satan’s way of trying to steal their hope and their dream of freedom. The people complained to Moses that this was all his fault. *** The disciples asked Jesus who was greatest in his kingdom. Jesus began by telling them that no one would even make it to his kingdom unless they humbled themselves like a child. The humblest were the greatest. *** Anyone who caused a child of his to sin would be punished greatly. Whatever caused a person to sin, they must get rid of it even if it is something that is a part of them. Nothing is worth losing your salvation for. Judgement is eternal. God greatly cares about each and every one. *** If someone sins against another, the one sinned against should confront the other one in love in hopes of reconciliation. If he refuses to hear, then other witnesses need to come forward. If that does no good, then the matter needs to be turned over to the church to settle. If he still refuses to hear then he will be considered a heathen. *** Whatever we allow on earth, will be allowed in heaven and whatever we stop on earth will be stopped in heaven. If two people agree on earth concerning anything, it will be done in heaven. *** Lord, may we bind on earth what needs to be bound in heaven and may we loose on earth what needs to be loosed in heaven.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - Mose’s Journey to Greatness

Read: Exodus 2:11-3:22; Matthew 17:10-27; Psalm 22:1-18; Proverbs 5:7-14 Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s palace and one day wanted to visit his people. He saw their oppression and slavery and when he witnessed an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, he was motivated to help. He thought he was alone so he killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand. *** He went back out the next day and saw two Israelites quarreling among themselves. He asked the man who struck his brethren why he would do that to his own race. The man asked him what made him think he could tell them what to do and asked him if he was going to kill him like he did the Egyptian yesterday. Moses knew he had been seen and it would not go well for him. Sure enough, the Pharaoh found out and Moses had to flee for his life. *** Moses went to land of Midian. The priest of Midian, Reuel had seven daughters who came to the well every day to feed their father’s flocks. Usually the shepherds would drive them away and they would have to wait, but Moses helped them and watered their flocks. *** When the women came home so early their father asked them about it and they told him what Moses did for them. He asked them to go get Moses. Moses came and ended up staying with Reuel. Reuel gave Moses his daughter Zipporah for his wife. They had a son and named him Gershom meaning “thrust or driven out” because that was how Moses felt about what had happened to him in Egypt. *** The king of Egypt died and the people took this opportunity to cry out about the bondage they were under. I’m sure they were hoping the next king would have pity on therm. *** Meanwhile Moses was on the back side of the dessert and came to the mountain of God, Horeb. The Angel of the Lord met him in the fiery flame of a bush that wouldn’t consume. He told him that he had seen the oppression of his people in Egypt and has come down to deliver them and bring them to the land he promised them through Abraham. He was sending Moses to Pharaoh to bring his people out of Egypt. *** Moses protested but God told him he would be with him and bring him right back to this mountain where he will serve him. Moses asked him what he should call him to the Pharaoh and God said to tell him that I AM has sent you to him. First Gather the elders of Israel and tell them what he told Moses. They will go with you to see the Pharaoh. Tell the Pharaoh that God has met with young He wants to meet with us three days journey into the wilderness so we may sacrifice to him. But he will not let you go so I will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My wonders and then he will let you go. I will give my people favor with the Egyptians and they will give them gold, silver and clothing and you shall put them on your children and plunder the Egyptians. *** The disciples asked Jesus why the scribe said that Elijah had to come first. and Jesus said that he had to restore all things first. Then he told them that Elijah had come and they didn’t treat him well. He was referring to John the Baptist. *** When they met back with the crowd after seeing Jesus in his glory, a man came to him and knelt begging him to heal his son from epilepsy. He had taken him to his disciples, but they couldn’t heal him. Jesus cast out the demon and healed the boy. The disciples asked Jesus in private why they couldn’t cast out the demon. Jesus told them that they had do have faith and that this kind only came out with prayer and fasting. *** Jesus told them again that he would be betrayed into the hands of man. They would kill Him and he would be raised up on the third day. *** When they came to Capernaum, the tax collectors asked Peter if Jesus paid the temple tax. Peter told him he did. When he came to tell Jesus, Jesus already knew what he was going to ask. He asked Peter if kings taxed their own sons or strangers. Peter answered the strangers. Then Jesus said the sons are free (speaking of them.) But not to offend them, he told Peter to go to the sea and cast a hook and take the fish that came up first. Open its mouth and take the piece of money he finds in the fish and give it to pay their tax. *** What a miracle! There is nothing that you can’t do. May our faith increase day by day and may we do the acts that you did because greater are You in us than he who is in the world.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - The Big Picture

Read: Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:10; Matthew 16:13-17:9; Psalm 21:1-13; Proverbs 5:1-6 Jacob died and was embalmed in Egypt. They mourned for him there then Joseph got permission by the king to take his body to Canaan where he was give a week’s long mourning by his family. *** When they returned to Egypt, Joseph’s brothers were afraid he might retaliate against them for what they did for him now that their father was gone. They sent a message to Joseph that their father had requested that he forgive them for what they did to him. Joseph cried when he read their note and met with them. He told them that he would not retaliate. They had meant to harm him but God had used what they did to get Joseph where he was to preserve life for them and many other people. He told them not to be afraid; he would provide from them and their children. *** Joseph lived in Egypt and lived to see the third generation of Ephraim’s children and the second of Manasseh’s. When he was about to die, he made his family promise when God brought them back to Canaan that he would carry his bones with them. He died at the age of 110 and was put in a coffin in Egypt. *** All of Joseph’s generation died and their family continued to multiply till there were more of them than Egyptians. A new king came to rule in Egypt and he was afraid of the Israelites and their number so he commanded his men to make the Israelites do hard labor and build his cities. *** When the Israelites continued to multiply, the Pharaoh told the midwives to kill the baby boys and allow the girls to live. The midwives feared God more than the Pharaoh and allowed the boys to live. When they were called in on this, they told the Pharaoh that the Israelite women were strong and had their babies before they could get there. God blessed the midwives for this. *** Then the Pharaoh commanded the people throughout his land to cast all the baby boys born into the river. A Levite couple had a son during this time and saw that the child was special so the mother refused to cast him into the river so she made a basket and floated him in the river. Her daughter went to watch the basket and see what would happen to it. The Pharaoh’s daughter was the one to find it and when she looked at the baby she immediately wanted to keep it. Miriam, his sister came out and offered to find a woman to nurse him for her. Miriam went and got the mother and the Pharaoh’s daughter paid her to keep him and nurse him. She named him Moses. *** In Matthew, Jesus came to Caesarea Philippi to the place where the people worshipped Pan. They stood before the cave that was known as “The Gates of Hell”. The people would do lewd dances and sexual acts with people and goats to coerce Pan into coming up out of the pit and giving them rain and a good harvest,. This was done every spring. Jesus stood at that place where many other gods were worshipped and asked his disciples who people thought he was. They answered him, John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the other prophets. Then he asked them who they thought he was. Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus blessed him saying that only his Father could have revealed this to him. Upon that statement he would build his church and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. He gave them the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever they bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever they loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. *** From that time on, Jesus began to prepare them for what was going to happen to him. He would go to Jerusalem, suffer by the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and raise the third day. Peter took him aside and told him to stop saying these things. Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of man.” *** Peter was thinking like man thinks and Jesus was trying to get him to think like heaven thinks. Peter would understand it in the end. *** On the seventh day, Jesus took Peter, James and Hon to a high mountain and was transfigured before them into his glory. He shone like the sun. Moses and Elijah appeared with him who stood for the law and the prophets. God spoke from heaven and said that Jesus was his son and they needed to listen to him. God was transferring the focus from the law and the prophets to Jesus, his son who was the fulfillment of all the law and the prophets said. *** Lord, may we see from heaven’s perspective. Your timing is not our timing and your ways are not our ways. Teach us your ways. Help us to get the big picture which is about your kingdom plans.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - Jacob’s Death

Read: Genesis 48:1-49:33; Matthew 15:29-16:12; Psalm 20:1-9; Proverbs 4:20-27 Word came to Joseph that his father was failing quickly so he took his two sons to see Jacob one more time. Jacob told Joseph the promise their family had on the land of Canaan. It was God’s gift to their family. Jacob adopted Ephraim and Manasseh as his sons and told Joseph that sons after them would be his. *** He told Joseph to bring his sons near to him so he could bless them. Joseph placed Manasseh by his right hand since he was the first born but Jacob crossed his arms and put his right hand on Ephraim’s head. When Joseph tried to correct him he said that he was doing it right. Ephraim the youngest would be greater than his brother. He blessed them both with prosperity. *** Then he called in the other sons and blessed them according to what he saw in their future and what they had done in their past. When he finished he instructed them to take his body and bury it in the cave that Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Leah and Rebekah were buried. Then he breathed his last breath and died. *** Jesus returned from Tyre to the Sea of Galilee and sat on a hill. He had accumulated a crowd who had brought their lame, blind, crippled, and those who couldn’t speak. He healed them all and they praised the God of Israel. *** Jesus gathered his disciples and told them he didn’t want to send the crowd away hungry. They had been with him for three days. He was looking to see if they had learned anything about faith. Alas, they hadn’t. They asked Jesus where in the world they would get enough food to feed this many people. Jesus asked them what they did have. They had seven loaves and a few small fish. *** Jesus had the people sit and took the loaves and fish and thanked God. He broke the loaves and fish and gave then to the disciples and they gave them to the people. It was Matthew 14 all over again. They fed 4,000 and took up 7 baskets of left-overs. Jesus left and went to the region of Magadan. *** One day the Pharisees and Sadducees came to him and asked him to show them a miraculous sign to heaven to prove he had the authority from God to do these things. He told them they knew how to read natural signs in the sky but had no idea how to discern the times of God. They didn’t see what time they were living in. The only sign he would give them was the sign of Jonah the prophet. He left them and went away. *** When the got to the other side of the lake, Jesus told then to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. They thought he was talking about bread, but he was talking about their deceptive doctrine. *** Lord, may we not be ignorant about what you are doing but may we be aware and participate.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tues.’s Devo - God’s Provision

Read: Genesis 46:1-47:31; Matthew 15:1-28; Psalm 19:1-14; Proverbs 4:14-19 Jacob packed up everything he owned and took his family to Egypt. At Beersheba, God met with Jacob and told him not to be afraid to go to Egypt because God was going to make him a great nation there. He would die there and one day God would bring them back to Canaan, *** Jacob’s family had grown to 70 people. Benjamin, the youngest had the most sons… 10 sons. Jacob sent Judah ahead to find out the directions to Goshen and they settled in Goshen. Joseph came to meet them there. It was a sweet reunion full of tears and hugs. *** Joseph took Jacob to meet the Pharaoh and he told him that he was a shepherd and had been all his life. Pharaoh offered him the best land in Egypt and he provided him grain for his household. Jacob took care of the Pharaoh’s cattle. Jacob blessed the Pharaoh coming and going. *** The famine continued until the people had given all their money to buy grain. They came to Joseph to beg for grain. Joseph told them to sell their cattle to him. So he bought their horses, flocks, cattle and donkey and gave them grain for their livestock. The next year they returned and Joseph bought their land. He bought all the land of Egypt for the Pharaoh. He moved the people into the cities and the priests were the only one who owned land. *** The next year he bought the people themselves. When they harvested the land, they were to give a fifth to the government and they could keep the rest for their own family, The people were glad thankful that Joseph had saved their lives. *** Meanwhile, Jacob and his family thrived with land, grain, freedom and wealth. They thrived in the land of Goshen. Jacob lived their seventeen years and died at the age of 147. When Jacob was close to dying he called in Joseph and asked him to promise not to bury him in Egypt but to take his bones and let him die in their burial place (where Abraham, Sarah and Isaac was buried.) Joseph promised he would do that. *** In Matthew, Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees who wanted to know why his disciples didn’t follow the traditions of their elders by washing their hands in the ceremonious way. Jesus asked them why they didn’t follow the commandments of God written in his Word. He nailed them for not honoring their parents and teaching others not to. They had told people that instead of taking care of their elderly parents, it was better to give that money to the synagogue, to God. *** Jesus quoted Isaiah 29:13 saying that the people would honor God only with their mouth but not with their hearts. Instead, they taught the traditions of men as their law. *** Jesus called the multitude and began by saying that it was not what they ate that defiled them but it was what came out of their mouth that defiled them. Their hypocritical lies. *** His disciples came to Jesus and told him that the Pharisees were offended by what he said. Jesus told them that the plants that God didn’t plant would be uprooted. (In other words, they weren’t his people.) The Pharisees were blind guides that would end up falling into a pit. Then Jesus explained the parable to them. *** Jesus went to the area of Tyre and Sidon and a Canaanite woman came begging Jesus to have mercy and deliver her demon-possessed daughter. Jesus ignored her pleas for a while then answered her. He told her that he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel not to her. It was not good to take the children bread (casting out demons) and throw it to the little dogs (the Gentiles). But she wouldn’t give up. She answered that even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table. Jesus pointed out her great faith and healed her daughter from that moment. *** Jesus was not being cruel to the woman. He was using her as a lesson. She wouldn’t give up and that was the way to get something from the Lord even if it was not time. God is moved by faith-filled prayer. *** Lord, may we have the tenacity that woman had in our prayers. May what we put into our eyes and ears reflect what comes out of our mouths. May we speak life, love and faith.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - The Great Reunion

Read: Genesis 44:1-45:28; Matthew 14:13-36; Psalm 18:37-50; Proverbs 4:11-13 Joseph gave instructions to fill his brother’s sacks with as much grain as they would hold along with their money they paid for it and to put his personal silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. *** When they had barely made it out of the city gate, Joseph sent his steward to go and accuse them of stealing his cup. He was to search all the sacks starting with the older. He did this and found it in Benjamin’s sack. They tore their clothes and were doomed to return and stand before Joseph. *** Judah asked Joseph how they could clear themselves and Joseph said that only Benjamin would be held responsible and the rest could return home. Judah asked to speak to him and offered to stay himself. He told him that if they didn’t return with Benjamin, it would kill their father. *** Joseph then realized that they were sorry for what they had done to him and for breaking their father’s heart. He told all his servant to leave and then revealed his true identity to them. It took them a moment to grasp what he was saying. He told them not to be upset with themselves for selling him because it was God’s will to preserve life for them and their families. The famine that had been going on now two years would continue for five more. They needed to go to Canaan and bring their father to Egypt and live and prosper there during the famine. *** Joseph’s brothers then believed he was Joseph and came and hugged and talked with him. Pharaoh’s household heard that Joseph had been reunited with his family and they were happy for him. *** The brothers went back home with wagons to transport their father and all his goods to Egypt. He believed when he saw the Egyptian carts and rejoiced that he would see his son before he died. *** Joseph tested his brothers to see if they would break their father’s heart again by letting Benjamin take the fall. He was not as concerned about what they had done to him as what they had done to his father. They passed the test. Jesus came to reconcile the hearts of the people back to his father also. *** In Matthew, Jesus had just learned of John the Baptist’s beheading. He went alone to mourn but the multitudes learned of where he was and came looking for him. He was filled with compassion as he saw them and healed their sick. *** That evening the disciples came to him and told him it was late and he needed to send them away to find food. (I’m sure they were hungry also.) Jesus told them to give them something to eat. They told Jesus that they only had five loaves and two fish. Jesus asked them for the bread and fish and they brought it to him. Jesus commanded the multitudes to sit down and he took the bread and fish and blessed them. He began to break the food and gave it to the disciples and the disciples distributed it to the people. They feed five thousand and took up twelve baskets full of fragments. *** Immediately, Jesus made his disciples get in the boat with instructions to go to the other side. He sent the multitudes home and he went up on the mountain to talk to God. *** A storm came up on the sea and the disciples were having a time fighting it. Jesus came walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him they screamed it was his ghost. He told them not to fear. Peter asked if he could walk out to meet him and Jesus told him to come. He walked on the water to him until he looked at the waves them he began to sink. He cried out and Jesus saved him. Jesus said to Peter, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the waves stopped. The disciples in the boat worshiped him saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.” *** They landed at Genesaret, the place Jesus had cast out the demons from the wild man in the rocks. The city had feared Jesus and sent him away at that time, but after hearing and seeing the change from the demoniac, the whole city showed up to meet Jesus. He was able to heal all he touched. Lord, thank you for the stories of faith and teaching us your heart. Help us to have faith to walk out on stormy seas and walk with confidence and peace.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - The Weight of Guilt

Read: Genesis 42:18-43:34; Matthew 13:47-14:12; Psalm 18:16-36; Provers 4:7-10 After the three days, Joseph met with his brothers and told them to prove their story, he would keep one of them and let the others go home and bring back their youngest brother to show that they were telling the truth. Then the one he kept would be set free and they would be considered innocent. *** The men spoke out loud about how what was happening to them was because of what they did to Joseph. They didn’t think Joseph could understand them because he had spoke to them through an interpreter, but he could understand. He kept Simeon, maybe because he was the second oldest. Rueben, the oldest had tried to save Joseph. Joseph gave instructions to his servants to put the men’s money in the sack with their grain and let them go home. *** One of them found his money on the way home and they were afraid. When they returned home they all found their money in with the grain they had purchased and were afraid. They told their father what had happened and he was upset they had told the man about Benjamin. They told Jacob they had just answered the man’s questions. They had no idea he would ask to see Benjamin. *** When they ran out of grain, they convinced their father to let Benjamin go back with them. Rueben guaranteed his life to bring Benjamin home. Jacob finally agreed and they all returned to Egypt. *** Joseph saw them and told his servants to go kill a fatted calf because these men were going join him for lunch at his home. *** The brothers were still so filled with guilt and fear they couldn’t enjoy the honor of being invited to the home of the second in command of Egypt. They explained to the servant about the money and tried to give him the money back but he wouldn’t take their money. He played dumb to putting their money back in their bags. *** When Joseph saw Benjamin he had to go into the other room to cry. He came back and had them sit down in the order of their birth. I’m thinking that this was probably the way they had sat at home. They were amazed that he would do that. When they brought in the food, Benjamin was given five times as much as everyone else. Joseph, because of their tradition, ate in another room. *** Jesus gave one last parable about the end of the age then said that everyone who understood these things was like a scribe with a house full of understanding of both the past and the future. *** Jesus taught these parables in his own home town and they were astonished and offended because they knew him as a boy. They couldn’t understand who he was. Jesus told them that a prophet has honor everywhere but in his own country. Their unbelief stopped him from doing many miracles there. *** When Herod heard the reports about Jesus, he feared John the Baptist had risen from the grave. He had had John beheaded as a gift to Heroidas’ daughter. John had spoken out of his sin in taking his brother’s wife Herodias as his wife. At Herod’s birthday, Herodias’ daughter had danced before Herod and he had offered her anything she wanted. Her mother had told her ahead of time to ask for John the Baptist’s head on a platter right now. Because of his guests, he had to save face and do it. *** Herod’s guilt haunted him just as Josephs’ brother’s guilt haunted them. Time doesn’t take guilt away… confession and repentance does. *** Lord, may we lay all our sins at the feet of the cross and leave them there. May we not be coerced by guilt or be condemned by repented sins. May we walk in the freedom of Christ and fear no evil.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - God’s Devine Provision and Plan

Read: Genesis 41:17-42:17; Matthew 13:24-46; Psalm 18:1-15; Proverbs 4:1-6 Pharaoh told Joseph his dreams and Joseph immediately gave him the interpretation. God was showing Pharaoh what was going to happen in the future. There would be seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. The famine would be so harsh that it would eat up all the excess of the seven years of plenty. He had the dream twice because it was going to happen soon. *** Then Joseph took the opportunity to give him an solution to save his nation. He should appoint wise men and set them over the land. They would collect food during the good years and save them for the harsh years ahead. *** The Pharaoh was so impressed with Daniel’s insight about his dreams and the solution that he put him in charge of everything in his land. He gave him a new name which means “for God speaks and He lives” and Asenath as his wife. Her name means “gift of the son”. Together they had two sons: Manasseh (“causing to forget”) and Ephraim (“fruitfulness”). These sons described what God had done for Joseph. His joy caused him to forget all his brothers had done to him. He had forgiven them. Now he was able to be fruitful and blessed. *** Joseph and his men collected great amounts of food and grain during the first years and when the famine came, the people went to Joseph to buy grain. *** Jacob and his family were affected by the famine. He told his sons to do something about the lack of food. He had heard there was plenty in Egypt so they should go and buy them grain. They all went but Benjamin. *** Joseph was in charge of selling the grain so when his brothers came to Egypt, they came directly to him. They bowed down before him with their faces to the ground. Joseph recognized them but they didn’t recognize him. He put on an act and asked them roughly where they came from . He remembered the dreams he had dreamed (not the cruelty they had done toward him.) He accused them of being spies. They defended themselves by telling Joseph about their father and their family. Joseph pretended not to believe them and put them to a test. He told them they all would have to stay in prison and one of them could go and get the other brother to prove that their story was true. He put them in prison for three days while he worked out his plan. *** In Matthew, Jesus gives parable after parable explaining in code the secrets of God’s kingdom. Jesus had already established in the main parable that the seed is the Word of God which includes everything about God. God will pour out knowledge of himself to the world while Satan will be doing the same. In the end of the age, not the end of the world, God will send his angels to reap the good seed and burn up Satan’s seed. We are living in that time. We are walking into a new age, a new era of time when Christ will reign and his kingdom will be on earth like it is in heaven. *** We are the treasure hidden in the field and we are the pearl of great price. God gave his only begotten son to save us! This is the Good News! *** Lord, we are living in the most exciting times of history. This is what angels have been waiting to see. May we steward this time well and live in faith with our eyes on You and what you are saying and not the false prophets of the news. Thank you that you have stored up for us, for this time, what we need to survive the final battle with evil.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - The Good Seed 1-19-24

Read: Genesis 39:1-41:16; Matthew 12:46-13:23; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 3:33-35 Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh. God blessed Joseph and prospered everything Joseph did. Potiphar noticed his gifts and promoted him to run his household. *** Joseph was handsome and Potiphar’s wife tried to get him to have an affair with her. Joseph refused day after day. One day when they were alone in the house, she grabbed his garment and he ran out without it. She told the other servants that Joseph had tried to rape her. She kept Joseph’s garment until her husband came home and showed him. Potiphar had him put in the king’s prison. This injustice put Joseph right where he needed to be for advancement. (What the devil meant for harm, God meant for good.) *** Once again, the favor of God could not be hidden and God gave him favor with the prison keeper. He committed all the prisoners to Joseph’s hand. *** There must have been a threat on Pharaoh’s life of poisoning because both his chief butler who handed him his wine and his chief baker were put in prison until they could investigate the threat and find out the truth. They were put under Joseph’s charge. They both had a dream on the same night and when Joseph asked the butler why he looked so sad, he told him he had had a dream and didn’t know the interpretation. Joseph told him that interpretations belong to the Lord so he asked him his dream. *** He had seen vine with three branches and it budded and blossomed and brought forth ripe grapes. Joseph told him that the branches were days and in three days Pharaoh was going to restore him to his place of his butler. The chief baker heard what Joseph said and told him his dream. He had dreamed that he had three baskets on his head and the one on top had baked food in it. The birds ate them out of his basket. Joseph told him the three baskets were three days, In three days, he was going to be taken out of prison and hanged. The birds would eat his flesh. *** In three days, it was Pharaoh’s birthday and everything he said came true. Joseph had told the butler to tell Pharaoh he was innocent so he could be freed. He forgot, until Pharaoh had a dream two years later. *** In the Pharaoh’s dream he saw seven fat cow that came out of the river. Then seven skinny cows came up after them and ate the fat cows up but remained skinny. In the morning, the Pharaoh was very troubled and called in his magicians and wise men. When the told them his dreams, no one could interpret them. The chief butler remembered Joseph and recommended him to Pharaoh. The Pharaoh called Joseph out of the prison. He shaved and changed his clothes then went to Pharaoh and heard the dream. *** Joseph told the Pharaoh that the answer would not come from him but the Lord. *** In Matthew, Jesus made it clear that those who did the will of God were his brothers and sisters and mothers. *** Then he gave them the parable that would be the key to all the other parables. It was the parable about the seed and the sower. When he finished telling the parable, his disciple asked him why he spoke in parables that no one could understand. Jesus said that his mysteries were not supposed to be understood by all. They were to know the mysteries of the kingdom and Jesus explained the parable. *** The sower was anyone who brought forth the Word of God. The seed was the Word. The places the seed fell were men’s hearts. Some seed was devoured by the birds because they fell along the wayside. They didn’t even make it to the heart. Others fell on stony hearts that didn’t hame much depth. Other seed was scorched up because of the trials of life. Other seed fell among thorny hearts that had evil in them which choked the Word. But, the seed that fell on tender hearts bore fruit according to the person’s hunger to hear. *** Lord, may we have hungry hearts that take your Word and reap a hundredfold. May we have ears to hear and a heart to understand what you are saying and who you are.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - The Story of Joseph

Read: Genesis 37:1-38:30; Matthew 12:22-45; Psalm 16:1-11; Proverbs 3:27-32 Jacob’s generation is the story of his son Joseph. Joseph was feeding the flock with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah which means Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher. Joseph came home and told his father some news about them that was unacceptable. It didn’t help that Jacob favored Joseph more than any of the sons and made with his own hands a robe for Joseph that was like kings wore. They couldn’t say anything nice to Joseph because of their jealousy. *** Joseph had two dreams. In the first dream he was binding sheaves with his brothers in the field and their sheaves bowed down to his. He told his brothers and they hated him even more. Then he told them and his father the second dream. In this one the sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to him. His father rebuked him for thinking he and his mother would one day bow to him. But, his father kept it in mind. His brothers just hated him more. *** The brothers saw a way to get rid of Joseph when they went to Shechem with the flocks. Joseph was sent to find them and when they saw him coming they conspired to kill him. Reuben talked them into putting him in a pit with plans to save him later. They stripped Joseph of his robe and when they saw some traveling Ishmaelites on their way to Egypt, they sold Joseph to them. *** They took Joseph’s robe and smeared it with blood and took it back to their father to identify and assume he was killed by wild animals. Jacob said he would mourn till he saw Joseph in death. *** Judah went to visit his friend who’s name was Hiram. He saw a Canaanite woman and married her. She had a three sons: Er, Onan and lastly Shelah. Judah found Tamar for Er to marry but he was so wicked, God killed him. Onan married Shelah to raise up children for Er but he refused to give his seed to her, so God killed him also. Judah told Tamar to wait until Shelah was old enough and he would give her Shelah to marry. *** Meanwhile, Judah’s wife died and it became obvious that Shelah had grown and he was not given to Tamar. Tamar was told that Judah was going to Timnah to shear his sheep so she veiled herself and sat in a tent along the way posing as a prostitute. Judah stopped to give her some business. He offered a calf for payment. She asked for his signet and cord and staff as collateral. He agreed and had sex with her. As soon as he left, she took down her tent and went home. *** Judah sent the calf to pay her but they could’t find her so finally gave up. In the meantime, Tamar became pregnant and Judah was told she had prostituted herself out. He wanted her brought out and burned but she sent his signet, cord and staff and said she was pregnant by this man. There was no way Judah was going to kill his seed. He said that she had been more righteous than him because he had not give her Shelah. *** When it was time for her to give birth, twins were in her womb. One of the boys put out his hand and the midwife put a scarlet thread around it. But the other brother came out first. She named him Perez because he “broke through”. The other brother was named Zerah which means “brightness or scarlet”. *** Jesus was hated by his brothers with even more vengeance than Joseph was hated by his. Jesus cast out a demon and the man saw and spoke for the first time. Jesus was accused of being the ruler of demons. Jesus explained that a kingdom divided against itself could not stand. If he casts the demons out by the Spirit of God then surely the kingdom of God had come upon them. He warned them of speaking blasphemy agains the Holy Spirit. It was unforgivable on earth and in the judgment. *** They had bad hearts so they would not be able to do good things. Everything they said would be held against them in God’s court of law. (God’s Miranda rights!) *** They asked Jesus for a sign which he gave them every day. Since they were blind to all he was doing he told them the only sign they would be able to read would be the sign of the prophet Jonah. He was in the fish three days and nights just like Jesus would be in the grave. They both resurrected. *** Jesus said that when a lewd unclean spirit left a man it would look for another to inhabit. It would come back to the person it left to see if it finds that man’s soul empty, it would return with seven more and the state of that person would be much worse than before. That was his description of their generation. *** Lord, we are indeed a people in need of your wisdom and mercy. Help us live our lives trusting you and not taking matters into our own hands. We pray for great grace.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - Back to Bethel

Read: Genesis 35:1-36:43; Matthew 12:1-21; Psalm 15:1-5; Proverbs 3:21-26 God told Jacob to got to Bethel and make an altar to God. This was the same place God had appeared to him when he ran from Esau. Jacob told all the people who were with him to get rid of their foreign gods and purify themselves and change their garments. They were going to Bethel to meet with God. (I wonder if Rachel got rid of her father’s gods.) Jacob hid them in beneath the terebinth tree near Shechem. *** As the journeyed the people of the land were afraid of them because of their God. They reached Bethel where Deborah, Rebekah’s nurse died. They buried her under the terebinth tree below Bethel. They named the place Allon Bachuth which means “terebinth of weeping.” *** God appeared to Jacob again and blessed him. He charged him to go by his new name, Israel. He told him to be fruitful and multiply because he would become a company of nations and kings. He gave him the land he had given to Abraham. Then God left and Jacob set up a pillar of stone and poured a drink offering and oil on it. He called the name of the place Bethel. *** Jacob left and when he was almost to Ephrath, Rachel labored in childbirth and was dying. As she was passing away they told her she had had a son. She named him Ben-Oni meaning “Son of my sorrow” but Jacob changed it to Benjamin, meaning “Son of the right hand.” Jacob set a pillar on her grave. *** Reuben went in and lay with his father’s concubine, Rachel’s maid, Bilhah. This would cost him the right of the firstborn. *** Jacob finally made it to Isaac at Mamre which was Hebron. That was where Abraham and Sarah were buried. Isaac died there and Jacob and Esau buried him in the family burying place. He was 180 years old. *** Chapter 36 is the genealogy of Esau who with his three wives had 14 chiefs. His descendants were the Edomites who lived in Mount Seir. *** In Matthew, the Pharisees were trying to nail Jesus and his disciples on their laws. First it was reaping on the Sabbath, then it was healing on the Sabbath. Jesus had an answer for both. God delights in doing good rather than imposing laws. *** Jesus knew that the Pharisees were planning to kill him so he left. He told his followers not to make him famous fulfilling what Isaiah said about him. He would declare justice to the Gentiles but would not make himself known in the public eyes. *** Lord, may we make you famous. May you arise and your enemies be scattered. May we see beyond the letter of the law into the spirit of who you are.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tues.’s Devo - Jacob Wrestles with God

Read: Genesis 32:13-34:31; Matthew 11:7-30; Psalm 14:1-7; Proverbs 3:19-20 Jacob hand-picked 550 of his cattle to send as a present to Esau ahead of himself. He hoped that the gift would pacify his anger toward him. Then he sent his family ahead of him and spent the night by himself. That night he wrestled with an angel until the break of day. When the angel realized he could not win, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip and moved it out of joint. But, Jacob wound’t let the angle go until he blessed him. *** The angel asked him his name and said that he would no longer be called Jacob, but Israel because he had struggled with God and with men and had prevailed. Jacob asked the angel his name but he didn’t tell him. Jacob named the place where he was Peniel which means “the face of God” because he had seen the face of God and lived. From that day, Jacob limped when he walked because of his hip. To this day, the Israelites don’t eat the muscle which is on the hip socket. *** The next morning, Jacob saw Esau and his company coming toward him. He divided his family and sent the maidservants and their children first, then Leah and her children, and last, Rachel and her son. He bowed to the ground seven times as he came near to Esau. But, Esau ran to meet him and hugged and kissed Jacob and wept. *** Jacob introduced his family to Esau and told him that all the cattle he had sent ahead were a gift. He had to urge Esau to take it. Esau offered to travel with them but Jacob refused all of Esau’s offers and they parted. Esau went to Seir and Jacob to Succoth where he built booths for his livestock. *** Jacob continued till he came to Pandan Aram in the land of Canaan. He bought a piece of land from the children of Hamor, Shechem’s father. There he erected an altar and called it El Elohe Israel which means “God, the God of Israel”. *** Leah’s daughter Dinah went out to meet the other women in Shechem. Hamor’s son, Shechem saw her and violated her. He loved her and wanted to marry her so he told his father to arrange their marriage. Jacob and his sons had heard what Shechem did to Dinah and they were very upset. They told Hamor that they would agree to let Dinah marry Shechem if they circumcised all their men. Then their men could intermarry with their women and vice versa. They would dwell as one people. The people of Shechem agreed and all the men were circumcised. On the third day when the men were very sore, Levi and Simeon, Dinah’s brothers came to the city and killed all the males. They killed Hamor and Shechem with the sword and took Dinah from his house. Then the other sons plundered the city. They took all the sheep and animals and their wealth. Their women and children were taken captive. *** Jacob was upset because Levi and Simeon had put him in a bad light with all the other Canaanites and Perizzites. He was afraid they would retaliate. Levi and Simeon responded, “Should he treat our sister like a harlot?” This act by Levi and Simeon would cost them their father’s blessing in 49:5-7. *** In Matthew, Jesus explained that with John the Baptist’s arrival on the scene, the status quo of religion was disturbed. He didn’t follow the tune of the religious scribes and Pharisees. Jesus and John brought truth which caused war in the heavens. Now, judgment was coming to the house of God. Jesus began with cursing Chorazin and Bethsaida because of the miracles he had done there yet they refused to repent. Then he spoke judgement over Capernaum. It would not stand. *** Jesus prayed for the ones who did come to him and repent. He promised them rest. *** Lord, I thank you that we are seeing this same disturbance in the heavens. Judgement is coming to the house of the church but you are giving your peace to those who walk uprightly with you.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - Jacob’s Journey Home

Read: Genesis 31:17-32:12; Matthew 10:24:11:6; Psalm 13:1-6; Proverbs 3:16-18 Jacob and his family had their marching orders from the Lord and they headed back to Jacob’s homeland in Canaan. Laban was out sheering his sheep so they would be able to flee without being detected. *** They got three days’ journey before Laban found out and it took out after him. It took another seven days for Laban to find them but he was not happy. God warned him the night before not to harm or speak good or bad to Isaac. *** Rachel had taken his household gods which made him double mad. When he approached Isaac he asked him why he didn’t tell him he was leaving so he could send them off with a party and kiss his family good-bye. Jacob told him he thought he would force his daughters to stay. *** They searched all of Isaac’s things for the household gods which Isaac knew nothing about. Rachel had hid them in a saddle and sat on it. She was pregnant and said she couldn’t get up. So they never found them. This lie and her idolatry would cost her her life. *** Laban and Isaac made a covenant that they would not cross the place they were to harm the other. They ate a meal and spent the night on the mountain. In the morning they both went their separate ways. Jacob was met by the angels of God and named the place Mahanaim which means “camp of angels”. *** On to the next test. Jacob sent messengers ahead to tell Esau he was coming and about what he had been doing. He told him about all he had accomplished and asked for favor with him. The messengers returned with news that Esau was coming to meet him along with 400 men. This really concerned Jacob. He split his people into two groups and put his family in the last group. He thought if Esau was mad and attacked the first group, the second group might have a chance of escaping. Jacob prayed for safety and mercy. *** Jesus continued his instructions to his twelve he was sending out. He gave a warning to all who follow him and do the things that he did. What they did to him, they would do to his followers. They called him of the house of Satan so they would do the same to his disciples. We are not to fear them because everything that has been covered up will be exposed. We are to be as bold as they are. We don’t have things that are secrets, we can shout the truth. *** We do not fear those who can take our lives, they can never take our souls. God is able to protect us. If we are not afraid to confess Jesus before the people, he will confess our names in heaven. *** Jesus didn’t come to bring peace on earth but peace to man’s heart. The gospel is divisive and meant to cause people to take a side. Everyone who receives the good news gets rewarded. *** Jesus sent his disciples out and he went also and taught in the cities. John the Baptist heard about all Jesus was doing and sent one of his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah they were waiting for. Jesus told him to go tell John all the things he was seeing and hearing. The blind were seen and the lame were walking. The lepers were being cleansed and the deaf were hearing. The dead were raised up and the poor had the gospel preached to them and blessed was everyone who was not offended in him. *** Lord, we long to see all of these miracles in our day and know it is coming. May we not be the ones who are offended in the way you bring our kingdom to earth.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - Jacob’s Split with Laban

Read: Genesis 30:1-31:16: Matthew 10:1-23; Psalm 12:1-8; Proverbs 3:13-15 When Rachael realized she was barren she became envious of Leah and tried to blame it on Jacob. He told her that he was not God who had withheld children from her. Rachel could not be consoled. She gave Jacob her maid, Bilhah to have children bye her. Jacob and Bilhah had Dan and Naphtali. *** Leah got in the race and gave her servant Zilpah to Jacob and they had Gad and Asher. Rueben found some mandrakes and sold them to Rachel for a night with Jacob. They conceived that night and had Issachar. Leah had another son and named him Zebulun. Then she had a daughter and named her Dinah. *** God remembered Rachel and she bore Joseph. At that time, Jacob went to Laban and asked for him to start paying him a wage. When he first came there Laban only had a few sheep and goats but Jacob had worked the animals and they had ended up multiplying making Laban a very prosperous man. *** Jacob came up with a plan that all the spotted and speckled sheep would be his and all the brown lambs would be his. The rest would be Laban’s. Laban was quick to agree since spotted and speckled sheep were rare and he was clearly getting the better end of the deal. Jacob divided his out but still fed Laban’s flocks. Jacob had learned if you put the colors in front of the cows while mating their imaginations would produce what they saw. He put rods the color of the flocks he wanted them to produced. (You become what you behold.) *** When Jacob told Leah and Rachel what he had done, they were glad he had made a split with their father. He told them that an Angel of God spoke to him in a dream and told him to get out of this land and return to the land of his family. Rachel and Leah both wanted to leave and had no ties with their father since he had stolen from them also. They were ready to go with Jacob. *** In Matthew, Jesus sent out his 12 disciples to the cities in Israel. They were instructed not to go to the Gentile cities. They were to preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand. They were to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. They were not given money or any supplies. They were to go with the clothes on their backs. If they were received and treated kindly, then they were to bless the house with peace. If they were not received kindly then they were to take their peace with them. God would judge that house later. *** They were being sent out as lambs before wolves. They were told to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves. If they were delivered up to the council, they were not to worry, the Holy Spirit with give them what to say. When they persecute you, go to the next city. *** Lord, may we remember the things you told your disciples as you sent them out. You are with us in every situation. May we be your witnesses that you are the only God.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - Jacob’s Trials

Read: Genesis 28:1-29:35; Matthew 9:18-38; Psalm 11:1-7; Proverbs 3:11-12 Isaac called in Jacob and blessed him again and sent him to Pandan Aram to take a wife from his family Laban. Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away and didn’t like his wives so Esau took a wife from the descendants of Ishmael, Abraham’s other son. Her name was Mahalath which means “making sick.” I wonder how that turned out? *** Jacob traveled and stopped for the night. He laid his head upon a stone and had a dream. He saw a ladder that reached to heaven. Angels were ascending and descending on it. The Lord stood above the ladder and told him that He was giving him the land he was lying in and his descendants would be like the dust of the earth. They would spread in all directions. Through them all the earth would be blessed. *** When Jacob woke up he took the stone that he had used as a pillow and poured oil on it. He named the place Bethel saying it must be the house of God and the gate to heaven. He vowed to God that if he would provide for him, he would return and God would be his God. This stone will be God’s house and of everything God gives to him he will give a tenth. *** Jacob came to the land of the East and stopped at a well. Shepherds were gathering to lift the stone and water their sheep. They waited till they all got there and the shepherds could lift the stone. Jacob asked if anyone knew his uncle Laban and they told him that Laban was doing well and his daughter was just arriving. Jacob lifted the stone by himself and watered all of Rachael’s sheep. He then kissed her and told her who he was. She ran home and told her father and Laban ran to meed him. He brought Jacob home to meet his family. *** Jacob worked for Laban for a month and Laban called him in and asked him what he wanted for wages. Jacob said he wanted Rachel for his wife. Laban said if he worked for him for 7 years, he could have her. He did but when the marriage feast ended in their consummation, Leah was given to him. It was dark and Jacob didn’t know until the morning light that he had been given Leah instead of Rachel. He was very upset, but Laban explained that in their culture, they couldn’t give the youngest daughter before the oldest. If he would continue his wedding week, he would be given Rachel. He would have to work another 7 years without pay. He agreed. Leah was very fertile and quickly bore four sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah. With each son she had hoped to gain her husband’s affection but with the last son, she praised the Lord. Then she stopped bearing. *** In Matthew, Jesus got called to come to the home of a 12 year old girl who was dying. On the way he was stopped by a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. Jesus healed the woman and woke the girl up from death. *** Then he heals two blind men and a mute man who was also demon-possessed. The Pharisees said Jesus had a demon. *** Jacob had stolen the birthright and the blessing and now he had to reap his actions from someone who was more trickier than him, Laban. God has a way of smoothing out all our rough spots and making us usable for his purposes. Jacob was still the one God was going to use which should be encouraging to us. God sees our hearts and whose hearts can be turned. Jacob’s heart could be and was turned toward him. *** Lord, may we learn from our trials to draw near to You and let You guide our lives and choose our path.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - Trust the Plan

Read: Genesis 26:17-27:46; Matthew 9:1-17; Psalm 10:16-18; Proverbs 3:9-10 Isaac moved from the land of Abimelech but still argued with the shepherds of the Philistines over water. Abraham had dug wells but the Philistines had filled them with dirt. He began to dig them again but the Philistines argued with them over them. They finally dug one they didn’t argue over in Rehoboth which means “room for all”. *** Abimelech came with his army officer and a friend named Ahuzzath which means “possession”. They wanted to make a covenant of peace with Isaac and his family since they were so powerful and big. They ate and made their covenant. Isaac’s men found another well with water and called it Beersheba. *** Esau married two Hittite wives which caused Isaac and Rebekah much grief. *** Isaac became so old he couldn’t see well and it was time for him to bless Esau, his first born. Esau had sold that right to Jacob so Rebecca had a plan to steal the blessing for Jacob. While Esau was out hunting for food for the blessing meal, she sent Jacob to get a calf from the fold. She prepared the food and wrapped fur around Jacob and put Esau’s clothes on Jacob so he would smell and feel like Esau. *** Isaac questioned Jacob’s voice and how quickly he had prepared his meal but when he felt his arms he believed he must be Esau. He had him come close to him so he could smell him before he gave him the blessing but he finally did. He blessed him with the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth and plenty of gain and wine. He said nations would bow down to him and he would be master over his brethren. Those that cursed him would be cursed and those who blessed him would be blessed. *** When Esau returned and found out what Jacob had done, he was distraught. He begged his father for a blessing and Isaac blessed him with prosperity also but to live by the sword. He would serve his brother for a while then break his yoke. *** Esau hated Jacob for what he had done and determined to kill him. Rebekah found out and wanted to send Jacob to her brother Laban’s house till Esau could calm down. Then she would send for him. She convinced Isaac to agree to it by saying she didn’t want him to marry one of the wives of the Hittites like Esau did. *** In Matthew, Jesus got back into his boat and went over to his own city. They brought him a paralytic and he forgave his sins first. This made the Pharisees very upset. He asked them which was easier to say your sins be forgiven or rise up and walk. So they would know he had the power to do both, he told the man to rise up and walk and he did. *** Jesus passed Matthew, collecting taxes and told him to follow him. Matthew got up immediately and did. Jesus had dinner with other tax collectors and sinners and the Pharisees rebuked him for that. He told them that he didn’t come to the people who were well and didn’t need a physician. He came to those that were meek. He came to call sinners to repentance. *** John’s disciples came to Jesus and asked why they had to fast and his disciples didn’t. Jesus told them that you don’t fast when you have the bridegroom with you. The day would come when the bridegroom would be taken from the and they would fast then. *** Jesus got called to come to the home of a 12 year old girl who was dying. On the way he was stopped by a woman who had *** Lord, may we trust your plan and not try to manipulate your hand. May we be happy for others when they prosper and realize we are all your children. Bless our nation and the nations of the world that honor you. Bless our families with faith and spiritual prosperity.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - Possessing the Gate of the Enemy

Read: Genesis 24:52-26:16; Matthew 8:18-34; Psalm 10:1-15; Proverbs 3:7-8 The servant wanted to leave immediately with Rebecca and go back home but the brother wanted him to stay 10 days. They called in Rebecca to let her make the decision. She wanted to leave so off they went to meet Isaac. *** Isaac loved Rebecca and was comforted after his mother’s death. Abraham married Keturah and from her and her offspring had 16 descendants. Abraham lived to be 175 and was buried in the cave with Sarah. *** Ishmael had 12 sons which became princes over their land. He lived to be 137. *** Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebecca but she was barren. Isaac pleaded with the Lord for a son and God heard his prayer. Rebecca became pregnant with twins. They struggled in her womb and God said it was because they were two nations who would struggle when they came out too. The older would serve the younger. *** The first twin was Esau who was born with hair all over his body like fur. The second was Jacob. Isaac loved Esau because he hunted game and he loved to eat it. Rebecca loved Jacob because he was a homebody and helped her cook. *** One day, Esau came in from hunting and Jacob was cooking stew. Esau wanted some but Jacob bargained a bowl of soup for his birthright. Esau despised his birthright by giving it up for the stew. *** There was a famine in the land and Isaac went to the king of the Philistines, Abimelech. God told him not to go to Egypt but to stay here with the Philistines in Gerar. He told him he would multiply his descendants as the stars of heaven and bless the earth through them because of Abraham. *** Isaac told Rebecca to tell everyone there that she was his sister so they wouldn’t kill him for her. (Here we go again!) But the king saw them flirting together and called Isaac in and rebuked him for lying. Isaac told him why he did it ,so the king made it law that if anyone touched Rebecca would die. Isaac sowed seed in their land and reaped 100 fold. He became so prosperous the Philistines because jealous and afraid of him. He was becoming more powerful than them. They stopped up his water supply to drive him out of town. Abimelech met with him and told him they needed to leave because they were becoming too big. *** In Matthew, a scribe came to Jesus and wanted to follow him wherever he went. He answered the man saying that he didn’t have a permanent place to stay. This must have been a personal thing with this man. We don’t know if he followed Jesus or not. Another came and wanted to follow Jesus but first go bury his father. Another excuse that Jesus saw through. *** Jesus got into his boat to go to the other side. On the way over there was a storm. Jesus rebuked it and it became calm. The disciples were amazed. This was a precursor for what they were about to meet. *** On the other side were two demon-possessed men who lived in the caves. They recognized Jesus as the Son of God and begged to go into the herd of swine. Jesus sent them to the swine who jumped a cliff to get to water. This scared the people of the city so much they asked him to leave. *** Lord, thank you that you are in control of who rules the nations and you watch over your people and protect them. You are our refuge and high tower. May we possess the gates of our enemies.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - The God of All We Need

Read: Genesis 23:1-24:51; Matthew 8:1-17; Psalm 9:13-20; Proverbs 3:1-6 Sarah died in Hebron and Abraham asked the sons of Heth if he could buy a cave in Machpelah to bury her in. They wanted to give him the land but Abraham insisted on buying it for 400 shekels of silver. *** Abraham was getting old but wanted to make sure Isaac had a wife from his family. He sent his oldest servant to his homeland to find a wife for Isaac. He told him that if the woman refused to come then he would be released from his vow. *** The servant prayed to the Lord for help and laid out a fleece. He asked God that the woman he asked for a drink would also offer to feed his camels. He had no sooner prayed this when Rebecca came to the well. She fulfilled all his requests. He found out she was Abraham’s brother’s granddaughter. He gave her a nose ring and some bracelets and asked if he could stay at her house. *** Rebecca ran home and showed her gifts to her father and her brother, Laban. Laban came back with her to get the servant. When the servant told them his mission, they were very happy and agreed to let Rebecca go back with him. Mission accomplished. *** In Matthew, Jesus healed a man with leprosy, an incurable disease. Then he healed a man who was paralyzed without even going to touch him. He healed Peter’s mother-in-law and she immediately got up and served them. He did this all in one day, then went home and they brought the demon-possessed to him and he cast them out with a word and healed all who were sick. *** When the multitudes showed up, Jesus went to the other side of the lake. *** Lord, you are truly the God who provides everything we need. If you be for us who can be against us.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tues.’ Devo - The Son of Promise is Born

Read: Genesis 20:1-22:24; Matthew 7:15-29; Psalm 9:1-12;Proverbs 2:16-22 Abraham had asked Sarah to tell everyone that she was his sister since she was so beautiful. He thought they would kill him to get her. Sure enough, when they came to Egypt, the king was told about Sarah and had her taken to his harem. *** God came to Abimelech in a dream telling him that he was a dead man because he had taken Abraham’s wife. He told him to restore Sarah to Abraham and he would pray for him because he was a prophet. *** Abimelech met with Abraham and they got everything straight. They made a covenant with each other. Abimelech gave Abraham a thousand pieces of silver for taking Sarah and Abraham prayed for Abimelech and God healed his wife and his female servants so they would be healed of their bareness. Sarah and Abraham could now conceive a baby also. Satan had lost the battle. *** Abraham and Sarah had their promised son Isaac and circumcised him on the eight day. On the day he was weaned, Abraham had a great feast. Ishmael scoffed at the attention Isaac was receiving. This made Sarah upset and she wanted to throw Hagar and Ishmael out. God told Abraham to listen to his wife and do what she wanted to do. *** So, Abraham gave Hagar bread and water and sent her and Ishmael away. She went into the Wilderness of Beersheba. When they ran out of water, God provided a well of water and preserved their life. They lived in the wilderness where Ishmael became an archer. Hagar found a wife for him in Egypt. *** Meanwhile, Abimelech and his army commander, Phichol met with Abraham. They wanted Abraham to swear he would not rise up against them and take over their kingdom. In return, Abraham wanted them to give him the well that he had dug but Abimelech’s men and seized. Abimelech didn’t know about the well but gave it back to Abraham and they cut a covenant of peace. When Abimelech left, Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and called upon the name of the Lord. *** Abraham received his greatest test. God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac on Mt. Moriah. Abraham left the next morning to obey. Isaac was old enough to object but he allowed his father to bound him to the altar. When Abraham went to slay him with his knife, God intervened. Abraham had passed the test and God provided a ram. God blessed him with descendants as the stars of heaven and the sand one the seashore. They would possess the gate of their enemies. Through his seed ass the nations of the earth would be blessed because he obeyed. *** Abraham’s brother, Nahor had 12 sons. *** Jesus told his disciples to beware of those who came to them looking like a sheep when they were really wolves. They would be exposed by their fruits. Not everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will enter his kingdom. They must do his will and not practice lawlessness. People will even cast out demons and do miracles in his name and not be his because they refused to stop practicing lawlessness. *** A wise man hears God’s word and obeys it thus building his life upon a rock of truth. This man will not be blown away in the storms of life. *** Jesus ended his sermon and the people were astonished at his teaching because he taught with authority like he knew and believed what he was saying. *** Lord, may we produce fruits of righteousness and please you.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - The Destruction of Sodom

Read: Genesis 18:16-19:38; Matthew 6:25-7:14; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 2:6-15 Abraham had fed the three angels and as they rose to leave they looked toward Sodom. The Lord decided to tell Abraham what they were going to do since Abraham would one day become a great nation. The outcry of sin had risen to heaven and they had been sent to see how bad it was. Abraham knew what they would find so he started bargaining with the Lord. *** Would he destroy it if he found 50 righteous? 45? 40? 30? 20? 10. Surely there were 10 righteous. The Lord sent the other two angels down to see. They met Lot at the gate and he begged them to come stay with him. He knew it was not safe to stay in the square and he recognized them as angels. *** The wicked men of Sodom just saw them as men and came to Lot’s house to have sex with them. Lot offered his virgin daughters to the men but the angles saved Lot and brought him into the house. They struck the men with blindness and they couldn’t find the door. *** Early the next morning, the angels told Lot to hurry and take anyone in his family and flee the city because they were going to destroy it. They were not to look back. The only ones Lot could convince to come were his wife and two daughters. His wife looked back when it was being destroyed and was turned into a pillar of salt. Lot escaped with his two daughters. Lot had begged to go to a city named Soar which means “insignificant”. But, Lot ended up living in the mountains of Zoar with his two daughters in a cave. *** His two daughters were afraid they would never marry so they made their father drunk and slept with him. They both got pregnant and had sons. The first born called her son Moab and he became father of the Moabites. The second daughter had a son and named him Ben-Ammi. He became the father of the Ammonites. *** Jesus’ words of comfort have been my go-to when I feel overwhelmed. “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” In other words, ‘Don’t worry about anything!’ *** Jesus went on to warn us not to judge or we will be judged the same way. He told us to ask him for everything, seek for what we want to know and knock on his door for the answers. He will surely give us what we need, help us find knowledge and wisdom and open the door to his kingdom if we knock. He will help us find the way to life. *** Lord, thank you for your Word. It is the way to life. May we ask, seek and knock on your door for you are generous and give good things.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - The God Who Hears

Read: Genesis 16:1-18:15; Matthew 6:1-24; Psalm 7:1-17; Proverbs 2:1-5 It had been 10 years since Abram and Sarai settled in Canaan and she had still not had a baby. She decided that the problem was with her so she encouraged Abram to have a baby through her servant Hagar. Abram agreed and slept with Hagar. *** When Hagar became pregnant, she treated Sarai with contempt and return Sarai treated Hagar so harshly that she finally ran away. *** An Angel met Hagar on the road and told her to return to her mistress and submit to her authority. God would give her more descendants than she could count. She was pregnant with a son and was to name him Ishmael which means “God hears”. God had heard her cries of distress. Ishmael would be a wild man and everyone would be against him and vice versa. He would live in close proximity to his kin. Hagar then called on the name of the Lord. *** She went home and bore a son and they named him Ishmael. Abram was 86 years old. *** Thirteen years later the Lord appeared to Abram and renewed his covenant with him. He changed his name to Abraham because he would become a father of many nations. He would be exceedingly fruitful and kings would come from his family. He would confirm his covenant to the future generations and give them the land he was only a stranger in. All the Land of Canaan would be their possession forever. He would be their God. *** To confirm the covenant, all the male in his household including himself and his servants must be circumcised. He gave Sarai a new name of Sarah and told him that she would also have a baby from her womb at a set time that next year. They were to name him Isaac. God would establish his covenant with him forever. Ishmael would also be blessed and fruitful he would beget 12 princes and become a great nation. *** Some time later, three angels came through where Abraham was staying and they fed them and sat with them. One of the angels told Abraham that Sarah would have a son. She heard what he said and laughed within herself. The angel heard the silent laugh and told her that nothing was too hard for the Lord. She denied laughing but was rebuked for lying. *** Circumcision is a picture of the cross and salvation. They were circumcised and received new names showing that they were born again and then they became fruitful. The curse over Sarah’s body was taken away and she became fruitful. *** Jesus continued his sermon and told them how to live to please God which was the opposites of how their spiritual leaders were doing it. Then he gave them a model prayer which emphasized honoring God above all and forgiving others. Our spiritual lives is not to be displayed to show our righteousness but our lives are to reflect it quietly by the works of our heart. Lord, may we live our lives to reveal the goodness of God and his righteousness. Thank you for the covenant of salvation we have with you.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - Lot’s Rescue

Read: Genesis 13:5-15:21; Matthew 5:27-48; Psalm 6:1-10: Proverbs 1:29-33 Lot had cattle from the inheritance of his father. The land they were staying could not support both Abram and Lot’s cattle so they decided to split up and go different directions. Abram had him pick the land he wanted first and Lot chose the land with cities already established in it. Abram would go toward the east. But, before Abram left that space, God told him to look all around him because He would give him and his descendants all of the land. *** Lot settled near Sodom where the men were very wicked toward the Lord. Five of the kings went up against 4 other kings and Sodom’s king was among them. The five kings lost to the other four and they took all the plunder of Sodom and all the people captive. Abram found out and came to the rescue with his trained soldiers numbering 318. They defeated the kings, got back all the plunder and freed Lot and his family. The king of Sodom met Abram. Also the king of Salem, Melchizedek came to meet Abram. Melchizedek was the priest of God. *** Melchizedek blessed Abram and God. Abram gave him a tithe of all he had gotten. *** The king of Sodom asked Abram for the people of Sodom and told him he would give him all the spoils. Abram refused to keep the spoils saying he would never let the glory of his wealth go to this evil king. ***The Lord came back to Abram in a vision and told him he would be his shield and his exceeding great reward. Abram told him that the only heir he had was his servant Eliezer. God told him his heir would come from his own body. He told him his descendants would number the stars in the sky. *** God confirmed it by waling through the meat of his sacrifice. He showed him a burning torch and a smoking oven. He made a covenant with Abram saying his descendants would be given the land of the “ite’s” of Canaan From the River of Egypt to the Euphrates. *** In Matthew, Jesus continues his great sermon about the 10 Commandments in the age of grace. He teaches that the law is so much deeper than the written decree. It is a matter of the heart. If they obey their heart and let love lead them, they will not have any fear of breaking any of God’’s laws. *** Jesus taught them forgiveness and generosity as well as love and humility. The one that probably surprised them the most was to love their enemies and bless them. Be good to those who spitefully hated them. This kind of response guarantees that they are the sons and daughters of God. *** Lord may we love from our heart and give generously. May we be known as the sons and daughters of the Most High God.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - May We Be One

Read: Genesis 11:1-13:4; Matthew 5:1-12; Psalm 5:1-11; Proverbs 1:24-28 The sons of Ham went toward the east and settled in the land of Shinar. They all spoke the same language and came up with a plan to make a portal to heaven. They built a ziggurat laying brick upon brick. They wanted to make a name for themselves and be great on the earth. *** God saw that they would accomplish their mission since they were all of one mind and this would be just the beginning. Nothing they proposed would be possible. God had to intervene so he went down and confused their languages so they wouldn’t be able to communicate. They ended up quitting the project and scattering over the face of the earth. *** Abram came from Shem’s descendants. His father, Terah had three sons, Abram, Nahor and Haran. Abram was the oldest. His youngest brother, Haran had a son named Lot then Haran died. Terah took Abram and his wife Sarai, Lot and Nahor and his wife, Milcah and traveled toward Canaan. They ended up stopping at a place named after their brother that had died. Terah ended up dying there. *** God told Abram to continue his journey to Canaan and he would make a great nation of him there. Abram took Sarai and Lot and they all their possessions and servants and left Haran. Abram was 75 years old. *** When Abram got to Shechem the Lord appeared to Abram and told him that this was the land he would given him. Abram built an altar to the Lord and then moved to Bethel. He built an altar there and called on the name of the Lord. *** There was a famine in that land so Abram went down to Egypt where there was food. He told Sarai to tell everyone the was his brother since she was so beautiful and he was afraid they would kill him for her. She was spotted and taken to the Pharaoh’s harem. Abram was given sheep, oxen and donkey as well as servants in exchange for Sarai. *** God plagued the house of Pharaoh with plagues making it was obvious it was because he had taken Sarai. He called Abram in and scolded him for not telling him Sarai was his wife. He sent him away with Sarai and he left very rich. Abram went back to Bethel where he had made the altar and called on the name of the Lord again. *** If we learned anything from this it is that when people are of one mind, nothing will be impossible for them. *** Jesus went on a mountain in the region of Capernaum and began preaching. He blessed the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for righteousness sake and for his name. These people would inherit the kingdom of heaven and the earth. They would be comforted, be filled with righteousness, obtain mercy, see God and be called his sons. They can rejoice because their reward in heaven is great just like the prophets before them. *** Lord, thank you for your true and precious promises. May we be one in building your kingdom.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - God’s Covenant

Read: Genesis 8:1-10:32; Matthew 4:12-25; Psalm 4:1-8; Proverbs 1:20-23 God caused a wind to dry up the earth and the waters were abated. The ark landed on top of Mt. Ararat which means “the curse reversed”. It had been 150 days since the flood started. *** Noah and his family ended up staying on the ark over a year. He had entered at the age of 600 and it was the 17th of the second month. He exited at the age of 601 on the 27th day of the second month. He set the animals free then offered God a sacrifice of the animals he had brought for that purpose. God accepted the offering and said he would never destroy every living thing again. As long as the earth remains there will be seasons. *** God blessed Noah and told them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. He put fear of man in the heart of all the animals and told him that he could now eat meat. The only stipulation was that the animal had to be dead first. Any animal or man who killed another man, would by man be killed because man was made in the image of God. *** God covenanted with man and animal that he would never destroy the earth with a flood. He set his rainbow in the cloud as a sign of this covenant. *** Noah and his three sons planted a vineyard and Noah drank wine from it and got drunk. He lay in his tent drunk and naked. Ham saw it and told his brothers. They took a cover and walked backwards so they wouldn’t see their father’s nakedness. *** When Noah awoke he knew in his spirit what had happened. He cursed Ham’s descendant which was Canaan. He would be a servant to his brethren. The prophesy came true when the descendants of Shem took the promised land and made the people of Canaan their servants. *** Shem’s descendants were the Syrians, Persians, Lydians. They represented those that would become the true worshipers of God which now represent the true Eklesia of Christ. They were the children of Israel who took the promised land. *** Japheth’s descendants ended up primarily in Europe and Asia. They included the Greeks, Medes, Scythians and upper Turkey. *** Ham’s descendants became the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Philistines, Egyptians and Africans. We get all the notable sinners in his group like Nimrod, Babel, Babylon, and Nineveh. *** In Matthew, Jesus learned that John the Baptist had been put in prison. He left where he was and went to the land of Zebulun and Naphtali to Galilee which was the land of the Gentiles. He began preaching John’s message of repentance. *** While Jesus was walking along the sea of Galilee he saw two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew casting their net into the sea. He told them to follow him and he would make them fishers of men. They immediately left their nets and followed him. *** Jesus then came upon another two brothers who were mending their nets and told them to follow him. They immediately left their nets and began following him. Jesus went all around Galilee teaching in the synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom. He healed all kinds of sickness and disease and became very well known. He delivered those who had demons and freed the epileptic and set free the paralyzed. Many people followed Jesus. *** Lord, may we be as willing as the first disciples to follow you wherever you take us. May we not be afraid to cast out demons and set people free.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - The Flood

Read: Genesis 5:1-7:24; Matthew 3:7-4:11; Psalm 3:1-8; Proverbs 1:10-19 Adam’s genelogy up to the flood was written. The men averaged 900 years old. What strikes me as how old they were when they had their first child. Sixty-five was the youngest but most were over one hundred. Noah was 500 before he had his three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. *** As men began to multiply on the earth, sin and corruption followed. The fallen angels of Satan desired to have sex with the human women and came down to earth and married some of them. Their off-spring were the Nephalim who became famous warriors during their day. They were half-demons/ half-humans. The book of Enoch says that they taught humans all kinds of wicked behavior as well as how to make weapons of mass destruction and hallucinogenic drugs. *** God took an account of all the wickedness on the earth and saw that every thought of man was evil and decided to wipe the human race off the face of the earth along with the animals. But then he saw Noah, who was righteous and blameless. Noah walked with God so God told him his plans. He was going to destroy every living thing from the earth but he wanted him to preserve humanity. He told him to build a ark and cover it with pitch. He gave him the exact dimensions of every level and just how to construct it. *** God told Noah He was sending a flood. Noah was to preserve his wife and three sons and their wives and two of every animal - a male and a female. He was to take seven of animals to be sacrificed later. It took him years to build but when he was 600 years old, the rains began to fall. It was the 17th day of the second month. The rain came down in torrents and continued for 40 days. On the day it began, Noah and his family along with the animals, entered the boat. God closed the door. The waters rose higher and higher until every living person and animal on the earth was destroyed. The waters covered the earth for 150 days. *** In Matthew, John the Baptist was out in the wilderness baptizing people who repented of their sins. The Pharisees had come to see what was going on and John confronted them. He asked them who had warned them of the wrath of God which was coming. Then he told them that they had to repent and show by their actions that they had repented. He quoted Malichi saying that God was going to cleanse his threshing floor and burn up the chaff with fire. (In other words God was going to judge the people in the Temple). *** Jesus came to John to be baptized and John was intimidated and thought it should be the other way around. But Jesus explained that he had to fulfill the law of righteousness. So John baptized him. When Jesus came up from the water, the heavens opened and John saw the Spirit of God descending on Jesus like a dove that alighted on him. John heard God say, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” *** Jesus was immediately led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He had fasted for 40 days and nights and was hungry. Satan first tempted him to turn to the stones to bread. Satan wanted Jesus to obey him. Jesus was sent to do that very thing - take the law written on stone tablets and make it palpable bread for all to eat. But he was going to do it on God’s command, not Satan’s. He told him that Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from he mouth of God. The Word had to come from God’s mouth. *** Then the devil took Jesus into the holy city and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple and told him that if he was indeed the Son of God he could throw himself down and his angels would catch him and keep him from harm. Jesus answered that He was not to tempt the Lord. He wasn’t falling for the dare. *** The third time, the devil took him on a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and told him he would given them to him if he would fall down and worship him. Jesus sent him away sayin he would only worship the Lord and serve him. The devil left and God’s angels came and ministered to Jesus. *** Our Proverbs for the day tells us what to do when we are being tempted by our peers. We are to turn our backs on them. Don’t go along with them. There deeds will rob them of their life. Lord, may we take your way of escape when being tempted to go the wrong way. May we walk on your path and keep our eyes on you.