Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wed.’s Devo- Ham and Shem’s Geneologies

Read Gen. 10:12-32

The next few verses give us the lands of Assyria. This is the land Noah gave to Ham his younger son. I am not going to go through all the names and what they meant or we would never get through Genesis but I did find it interesting that Nineveh means “land of ease” and Calah means “wholehearted”. Between them is the great city of Resen which means “a bridle”. So the bridle would control the ones that are laid back with and the ones who are intense which is a city of opposites. (Sounds like the church!) Canaan, the not-good line produced children whose names meant “hunted”, “terror”, and all the ites that God told the children of Israel to destroy before they could take the land. Sodom and Gomorrah were in their land. Ham’s land was southward into Lower Egypt. Satan’s land is always denoted as “Southward” in the Bible signifying the pit.

Next we have the genealogy of Shem, Noah’s oldest son. His name means “a name”. As he tried to make a name for himself he produced children whose names went from “exalted” to “I failed”. In verse 25 we come to the name Peleg which means “earthquake”. It says in his days that the earth was divided. His brothers name was Joktan which means “he will be made little”. Shem’s people lived in the land of Arabia to the east. East in scriptures mean the law. West means grace. Our sins have been removed as far as the east (the law) is from the west (grace). The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. First we had the law, but we will end in grace. Praise the Lord!!!

Lord, I thank you that in the end you are going to give us all a new name. Rev. 2:17

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