Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tues.'s Devo - The Plan from the Beginning

Read Romans 5:12-21
When man sinned it brought sin into the world which produced death. Since all men sin then all men experience death. Up until the law was given to Moses there was no account or charge made of man's sin but man still experienced death. In fact, everyone, whether they were a really evil person or a good person still experienced death.
I love how (vs. 14) "who is the figure of him that was to come" is slipped in. It is a great truth that most Christians don't understand. Adam was a type of Jesus- the one that was to come. If you understand that Adam was a type of Jesus then Genesis will take on a whole new meaning. Luke 3:38 lists the geneology of Joseph the earthly father of Jesus and it says: "Adam, which was the son of God." In 1Co. 15:45 it says that the first Adam was made a living soul but the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. In 1 Tim. 2:14 it says that Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. What does all this mean? Let's go back to the garden. Adam met and talked to God everyday. God had told Adam not to eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and he told Eve. Eve didn't like being told 'no' so she went to look at this tree to see why they couldn't eat it. The devil was there and he deceived her. Adam was right there with him (Gen 3:6) and he ate it too. Why did he eat it? Why did he let Eve eat it? It is because God has given us free will. Jesus can't stand next to us and tell us we can't do anything. He can warn us by his spirit but the decision is ours to make. Adam had to let Eve make her own decision. Because she ate it, he had to or he would be eternally separated from her. Eve was deceived but Adam chose to eat it. Since Adam's sin was intentional and he was the one given the commandment not to eat it sin entered through him. That is why Jesus had to come back as the second Adam and as a quickening spirit become sin again. This time instead of his death bringing death to the earth it brought life. So in the very beginning of time we see the whole plan being shown us. God's plan has always been to reconcile us back to him. He is looking for a bride without spot or blemish and the only way she can be that way is to covered in the blood of Jesus.
God knew the beginning from the end because God is not confined to time. He has already seen the end which is why he can put it in the mouths of the prophets.
The good news is that even though Adam's sin brought death, Jesus' death was much more powerful than death and defeated both sin and death. Many more will come to grace than all that died in sin. God sent the law to show man his sin so he would want to be free of it. The law drives us to the cross because we find out really quickly that we are bent to sin and need a saviour.
Lord, thank you for your plan to reconcile us back to you through your son's blood. We are grateful.

1 comment:

Larsen Family said...

I had never heard that about Adam. Interesting insight. Thanks.