Friday, September 18, 2009

Fri.'s Devo -Christianity in a Nutshell

Read Ro. 12: 3-21
We have no room to boast. Everything we have that is worth having is from God. Even the faith we have has been measured out by God. But we can increase our measure by using what we have been given then we will get more according to Mark 4:24. We use this faith to carry out the giftings God has given us to benefit the body. Paul lists these gifts and tells us how to use them. Whether we have been given prophecy, serving, teaching, exhorting, or leading: use them according to your faith; from the position of rest; with generosity, humility, diligence and cheerfulness. Let your love be sincere. Hate what is evil and hold on to what is good. Love and prefer one another. Work faithfully in your job and let your love for God be alive. Hope joyfully, trust God in your trials and always pray. Give to your Christian family that have needs and entertain strangers. Bless those that cause you to suffer and don't speak evil against them. Be truly happy for those who are happy and sympathize with those who are hurting. Live in unity with the Body no matter what estate they are in. Don't think too highly of yourself. Don't pay back evil for evil done to you. Let God be your avenger. If your enemy is hungry then feed him, if he is thirsty then give him something to drink. This will bring conviction on him and might save him from hell. Instead of letting your enemy rub off on you, you rub off on him with your goodness.
Wow! This is like the NT. law. A little hard to do, in fact, impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit. But with the Holy Spirit nothing is impossible.
Lord, we fall on your altar and ask for grace to do what you have commanded us to do. We know we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.

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