Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sat.'s Devo - God's Fountain Never Runs Dry

I have been contemplating God's economy. I wonder why we can receive the free gift of God's grace and yet not understand grace when it comes to finances. A friend of mine was talking about her friend who was reusing her water bottles because of a Bible Study she was doing on finances. If we live our lives trusting God and obeying God's will when it comes to giving, why can't we believe that God will follow through on his promises. God promises us are found in Deu. 28. They are for those who hear God's voice, obey it and walk in his ways. I don't read anywhere about penny pinching or conserving anything. God is the god of more than enough. I always think about if I was the daughter of a rich sheik who had more than he knew what to do with, how would I live? I think I would live without worry or concern. I wouldn't want for anything but I wouldn't want much either. Things would not be an idol because I could have anything I wanted whenever I wanted. I would give without ever worrying about running out. Overabundance in the Lord gives you freedom. God's abundance should not make you stingy, arrogant or fearful. It should make you grateful, giving and faithful. Money is not the value, what you can do with the money is the value. What we do with our money also determines how much God can trust us with more. He loves to give us more than enough. Money is a number that God can change anytime he wants to. He never runs out. The freedom comes in believing that God will never leave you or forsake you and his goodness is for a lifetime.
I'm not saying that you should never use wisdom in your finances. I actually do reuse my water bottles but it's not a bondage it's a choice. It's not what we do or don't do, it's the attitude we have in what we do.
God told David to build a very opulent temple covered with gold and jewels. There were plenty of poor people that could have used some of that gold, but God built the temple to show us his glory. It was to be a shining example of how extravagant God's glory is. It was to remind the people that God would always take care of them and make them abound if they kept their eyes on him. When they took their eyes off God he allowed the Temple to be stolen piece by piece. God wants us to display his glory in everything we do and own.
I pray that this devotion will be received in the heart that I am writing it. I believe that there is a level of giving and receiving that we have yet to understand, me included. But I do know this, they don't reuse water bottles in heaven :)

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