Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thurs.'s Devo - Be Our Fashion Designer

Read Ro. 12:1-2
Paul begins by begging us to give our bodies to God as a living sacrifice. In the next verse he tells us how to do that. Don't be conformed (fashion yourself according to; be in union with) to the world. Does that mean we can't be up on the latest fashion? No. It means that you don't let the world dictate your beliefs. The world is into secular humanism and exalting man. God's kingdom is into humbling man before a holy God. Everyday we are bombarded with the world's view of everything so how do we combat this barrage of secular ideas? By being transformed by the renewing of our mind. Transform means to fashion; metamorpose; transfigure; change. The only power greater than the world is the Word of God. We dealve into God's Word which has the answer to all life's questions. It has the power to transform our minds. By reading and meditating and eating God's Word we will prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. There is the good way and there is the perfect way. God will lead you to the perfect way if you meditate on his words.
In the garden of Eden the tree they weren't suppose to eat of was the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and evil. We get the fact that evil is evil and we need to avoid it, but do we get the 'good' part? There is a knowledge of good that we are not to eat of. The world offers good things too but it does not mean that they are best for us. Sometimes we think if something is not bad for us then it must be good for us. Not true. Our kids can offer us many good reasons why they should be able to do things, but are they what God is saying to do. This is where you need discernment and the full wisdom of the Word and the Holy Spirit. The Word illumines your path. It has the power to produce life. Maybe the question should not be "is it good?" but "will it produce life?"
Lord, help us to present our bodies to you as a living sacrifice and help us not to be conformed to this world but to renew our minds in your Word. We do want your good, acceptable, and perfect will for our lives.

1 comment:

Larsen Family said...

I like that, "will it produce life". Thanks.