Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday's Devo - Honor Authority

Read Ro. 13

We are to honor those placed in leadership because God put them there. If we resist the leader God has placed over us then we are resisting God's institution and we will receive condemnation. Rulers don't come against those that are for them but those that oppose them. So if we do good, we will be praised. If we do evil to our leader he has the right to punish us.
We think because we have a leader that doesn't honor God or Israel that we don't have to follow or respect him but that is dead wrong. God put our president in office and he is an instrument of God. He could be an instrument of good or evil depending on what God is wanting us to have. Paul wrote this in a time ungodly leadership and persecution of Christians. But Paul saw the big picture. He knew that God has all authority over this earth and what happens. Our job is to repent and pray for our nation and its leaders. God is in complete control and we honor God by honoring our leaders.
It goes the same for giving our money and paying our taxes. We are to give them what the law requires. We should not be indebted to anyone with anything but love. If we love then we won't commit adultery, kill, steal, bear false witness, covet or break any of the other commandments. They all hinge on love. Love for our fellow man will bring God's salvation. When we cast off darkness in our own life our light shines brighter and we can put on Christ and be an effective witness. In Gen. 1:5 God called the darkness Night, and in the Hebrew night means "a twist away from the light". The more we allow darkness into our daily life whether it is what we watch on tv or what we read or what we say, the more we are twisting away from the light. The more we read God's word and stay in his presence the more light we are walking in.
Lord we want to walk in the light as you are in the light and have beautiful fellowship with you.

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