Read John 1: 9-13 (We aren't going very fast-just deep)
Jesus was the true light, which lights every man that comes into the world. God reveals himself in all his creation. God broke the darkness with light on the first day of creation, but it wasn't till the 4th day that light was contained in the sun and and God called the light: day, and darkness: night. God's light was in the world before Jesus came to earth but in the 4,000th year God contained that light in Jesus. Jesus came and called darkness: sin, and himself: the light. The Bible says that a day is as a thousand years so Jesus came on the 4th day.
Jesus's light falls on every man just as the sun shines on all mankind. Rom. 1:20 says that the invisible things of God even from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that were made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that the world is without excuse. So like the psalmist wrote, "the heavens declare the glory of God". There is really no such thing as an untouched people group. They may have never heard the name of Jesus but they can still know him. Many missionaries have found untouched people groups that worshipped Jehovah God but just didn't know his name. They needed someone to come and tell them his name and teach them more about him. God makes himself known to all who diligently seek him.
Even though God has his stamp all over his creation, man didn't know him. He sent Jesus to the Israelites but they didn't recognize him as their messiah. But to anyone who did recognize him as God ,he gave them the privilege and supernatural capacity to be his children. These children were born again, not of blood, nor with a will of flesh, or a will of man, but a will of God. That is us. Our born-again man wills to do God's will. We just need to let him lead our lives. It is possible to do that. It's called 'walking in the spirit'. Gal. 5:16 "Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfil the lust of the flesh."
Lord, teach us to walk in your spirit where there is no condemnation so that the righteousness of your law might be fulfilled in us. (Ro 8:1, 4) May we shine your name in a dark world.
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