Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wed. Devo - Let us be Slaves to Christ Alone

I can’t get off of this matter of sexual strongholds. In the Old Testament, it seems like the women only wanted to have sex for children. The amount of children they could have determined their worth. I remember how Leah bought one night of sex with her own husband for some mandrakes. She would never have the Jacob‘s love, but she never gave up having children to try to get it. Rachael had Jacob’s love and all she wanted was children. Are we never satisfied?
Tamar played the harlot to have sex with her father-in-law to carry on her line.
Lot’s daughters got their father drunk to have sex with him to carry on their line.
Esther spend years preparing to please a king. Because she found favor with this king she saved the whole Jewish line.
Rahab, the harlot, betrayed her people to save her family and become an Israelite.
Sex was the tool to get what they wanted. The curse put on Eve was that she would desire her husband, and that he will rule over her. In the New Testament God tells the husband to love and honor his wife so that his prayers will be heard. It tells the wives to be submissive to the husbands as it is proper in the Lord. I wonder if buying sex would be proper to God. I don’t think so.
Women who use sex to manipulate become “love slaves”. They will do anything, ANYTHING, for the attention of a male. And they don’t even realize what is behind it. We as women are under a curse to desire men. We are all “love slaves” until we break every soul tie we have made with a man and ask God to loose us and bind our hearts to Christ. We need to put sex in the proper place. It is the will of God that a man and woman enjoy each other intimately in the perimeters of marriage. The marriage bed should be undefiled (pure, and unsoiled). We as Christians have some repenting to do. We fill our eyes with illicit sex on TV and the movies and wonder why we are having marriage problems. Lord, forgive us. The devil hates God’s plan and will do anything to distort and sabotage them. We as God’s people have to purify our hearts and fight the attacks that come to our minds and our hearts.
We pray that our husbands may have pure hearts and minds. Turn our hearts back to our own marriage bed and help us to keep it undefiled. May the helmet of salvation guard every thought that comes into our head. May all wrong thoughts be turned over to the obedience of Christ and may we think on whatsoever things are pure, kind, undefiled, of good report and lovely.

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