Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday's devo - From Lame to Fame

Read 2 Sam 9
God's lovingkindness goes far beyond his law.
David want's to find any relative of Saul's to bless so he calls Saul's personal servant, Ziba. Ziba tells him that there is one - Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth was made lame when he was dropped by his nurse while fleeing death. So David calls him in and gives him all the land of Saul's inheritance and tells him he will eat bread at David's table till he dies. He puts Ziba and his family (and he had a huge family) in charge of keeping up Mephibosheth's inheritance. Everyone wins. Mephibosheth is honored and provided for and Ziba and his family have a place to stay and a well-paying job.
The best part of this is that the law states that if a man has a blemish, such as being lame he could not come near the temple to offer his bread to God. (Lev. 21:18-21) So God is bringing Mephibosheth to the king's table and offering it to him. What a twist! That is what the Bible is all about. We don't have anything worth offering to God; He has everything. But, when we realize our state, he can lavish stuff on us, because He knows we will give Him the credit. Mephibosheth remained a humble and faithful servant of David's till he died. May we remain humble and faithful to God till we die. Thank you for your lovingkindness; it is better than life!

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