Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday's Devo - Jesus Loves Me This I Know...

I am meeting today with a friend who wants to pick my brain, or spirit, about healing and faith. So I have been meditating on the two and I think that it boils down to one question. Do you believe God loves you? If you have been a Christian for a while you have heard or read the stories of healing in the Bible. If you asked any Christian if he believed God can heal, he would probably say "yes". But, if you asked that same person if he believed God wants to heal him, he would probably hesitate, and if he was truthful, say "no". Why do we have such a problem with thinking God will heal us. I think, we think we are not worthy. Well, let me let you in on a aren't. That's the whole reason for the cross. We get grace, mercy, salvation, healing, deliverance, and so much more FREE! We have a wrong idea about God's love for us. This friend has a son that suffers physically. I am reminded of Moses. God chose Moses to lead his people because he knew these people were obstinant, stubborn, sinful, and would complain about everything. He knew that Moses would not judge them or give up on them, but he would stand in the gap for them. When God got tired of hearing their complaints and wanted to wipe them off the earth, Moses interceded for the people and saved them. This pleased God and he let them live. God has given us our children, the people we work with, the people in our circle of influence to us for a reason. He trusted that we would not judge them or give up on them, but we would stand in the gap for them. This little boy was given to my friend so that she would pray for him and God could deliver him from this infirmity. We serve a great God who is mighty to save!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If no one in the sphere of influence of a Christian should ever be sick or infirm, then we as a people are failing the world BIG TIME.