Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday's Devo - Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall...

Read 2 Sam 12
Nathan was a type of the Holy Spirit in David's life. He held the mirror up for David to see his sin. He showed him how the sin looked in someone else's life. It seems to be easier to see the darkness of our sin when it is mirrored in someone elses life instead of through our defenses. Nathan goes on to tell David how God has blessed him, and everything he has is because of God's favor. God would have kept on giving him blessings, but his sin stopped God's flow. He pointed out that David "despised the commandment of God". (Thou shalt not kill, and Thou shalt not commit adultery) - those commandments. Ouch! And because he did these things there will always be war in his house and God will raise up someone out of his own house to be against him. They will lie with his wives before everyone.
You reap what you sow. David destroyed a family and his family would be destroyed. Seed always brings a greater harvest.
David responded wisely : he repented and confessed his sin. He didn't try to rationalize or belittle it or justify it. He called it sin and repented.
Verse 14 is key: "by this deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme." Our sin, no matter how hidden, gives the enemy ammunition to flourish. It opens a door to let in all kind of death in our lives. We then need to battle to keep him out and close the door. David's sin would have been carried on to their child, but God in his mercy killed the child on the 7th day. On the 7th day, when Jesus comes back everything our sin has birthed will be put to death. It is the mercy of God. On that day we will rise from the earth, be washed and anointed, we will be given a new body and we will come into the mansion God has prepared for us and we will sit and dine with God. (vs. 20) We will be holy and produce holiness (Solomon). It will be a time of peace.
Lord, we confess that we are sinners that need your salvation. May we be slow to sin and quick to repent. May we drive out the enemy and shut the door. We desire to reproduce life, not death.

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