Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tues. Devo - Restore Tamar

Read 2 Sam 13: 15
Continuing from yesterday... notice what happens to Tamar. She is thrown out and the door bolted after her. She can never return to virginity. It has been stolen from her. She puts ashes on her head as a sign of mourning and tears her robe that indicated that she was a king's daughter and that she was a virgin. She mourns the loss of both. I can imagine that is the way a woman would feel who has been raped. She feels she has lost her position with her father and her covering. She remains desolate in her brother Absalom's house. Since Absalom is a type of the Antichrist he keeps her in bondage till he can revenge her. His revenge brings death. Only God can bring justice and vengeance which leads to life. So true to Absalom's promise, after 2 years, he deceives David and Amnon and draws Amnon away from any protection and kills him.
David mourns both sons. Just like Jesus, he loved them both. Jesus loves the sinner just like he loves the victim. His mercy and love is boundless. It goes beyond my understanding. We never hear anymore about this Tamar, but Absalom named his daughter Tamar. “Tamar” means a palm tree. A palm tree is tall and erect but can take strong wind. It can bend almost to the ground and snap back without breaking. The palm native to that area is the date palm. It grows up to 60 ft. and lives up to 100 years. It may yield up to 600 lb. of dates yearly. The dates are full of sugar, protein and minerals. It is the main wealth of the people and a chief article of food. The leaf stalks are used for basketry and wickerwork, and are woven into bags and mats. The fiber is used for cordage. This all says to me that every bit of this woman, or any woman who has been sexually abused is profitable. With Jesus help, she can bend but not break. She can make it through the storms of life and still produce much fruit that can be a source of nutrition and use for many.
Lord, protect your daughters from the enemy. If they have fallen victim to sexual assaults, may they be Tamars who weather the storms and come out victorious. Expose the enemy and let us be discerning of his plans and not fall prey to his schemes. I pray this for us and our daughters and grand-daughters to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great study this is, Ginny!