Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Weds.’s Devo - The Inheritance We Leave

Read: Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18; 2 Corinthians 7:8-16; Psalm 48:1-14; Proverbs 22:17-19 Solomon says that a good reputation is very valuable. Our reputation is what we leave to the world and will be spoke about at our funeral. It is wise to go to a funeral to remind ourselves of what we want people to say about us. It is how we finish our lives that is important. Were we patient? Could we control our temper? Did we walk with God? *** If we are wealthy, we need wisdom even more. We need to accept the way God does things and trust that he does work everything out for our good, no matter how twisted it looks at the time. *** In Solomon’s weaving words, he tells us to be balanced in our living and fear God. We also need to have grace for people and remember our own sins. God created us to be virtuous and if we walk down his path, we will be. *** We must do our part in this world and honor authority given by God. God has a time and a way to do everything. He knows how to rescue us from our troubles. *** Solomon makes a very important statement: When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong. So true! *** On the other hand, when we walk in righteousness we can enjoy fun. It is the reward of hard work. *** One thing for sure that Solomon got wrong was that what we do on earth, dies with our death. We are spiritual beings and what we do is eternal. What we do is so important for our families. Our righteousness is our spiritual inheritance we pass down to the next generation. How we live our lives effects those who will come behind us. The condition we leave the world is important also, and we will be remembered for that. *** Everyone experiences hard times but they make us stronger and produce patience and faith in our hearts. We learn wisdom by the things we experience and what God teaches us through them. *** Paul proves that in his second letter to the Corinthians. His first letter had been a reproof and it hurt him to send it, but it turned them around so now he is glad he sent it. He says that worldly sorrow that doesn’t result in repentance ends in death. They also showed their maturity by the way the received Titus and loved him even though he brought the letter of rebuke. *** Lord, may we be able to receive rebuke and may it cause us to become even more eager to please you and do your work.

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