Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - Reconciliation

Read: Job 40:1-42:17; 2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 22:14 God asked Job if he still had a problem with him. Job was humbled and told God he had already spoken too much; he had nothing to say to the Lord. *** Then God continued to question Job. He asked him if he would discredit God’s justice to prove he, Job, was right. He asked Job to show his majesty and prove that the world feared his power. Was he as strong as God? God gave Behemoth as his example of his handiwork. It is believed to be the hippopotamus. The next example he gave was Leviathan which sounds like a fire-breathing dragon. *** Job answered that in his ignorance he had questioned God’s wisdom but now he understood he knew nothing. He took back everything he had said about the Lord and repented. *** The Lord spoke to Eliphaz and told him he was angry with him and his two friends because they had not spoken accurately about him or of Job. He told them to bring seven bulls and seven rams to Job and offer a burnt offering for themselves. Job would pray for them and he would hear Job’s prayer. *** When Job prayed for them, God restored his fortunes double as much as before. He gave him seven more sons and three more daughters. God restored his family and friends to him. He was able to live 140 more years and was able to see four generations of his children and grandchildren. *** Paul defends himself and the gospel of Christ. He claims that Christ died for everyone and will give them new life if they believe he died and rose from death to life. *** They had known Jesus as a man but now they know him as the Christ, the risen Lord. Anyone who comes to Christ becomes a new person, their old life is gone. Christ was the bridge between man and God that people like Job had prayed for. Jesus reconciled us to God and made us right with God. *** Lord, thank you for giving your son for us. Jesus, thank you for dying for us and giving us new life. Holy Spirit, thank you for leading us to truth. May we be witnesses for you on the earth.

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