Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tues.’s Devo - Life

Read: Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 22:16 Solomon observed that those that are oppressed have no hope of change. Solomon thought it would have been better for them if they had never been born. *** He saw that most were motivated to success because they envied what their neighbors had. This was meaningless, like chasing the wind. *** Another meaningless thing he observed was men who worked hard but had no heir to leave it to. That is why it was better to have a partner to share the load with and even three was better. *** Wisdom was greater than riches because riches don’t always benefit a person. Talking less and thinking more is also better especially if you are speaking to God. *** Those in power may oppress the weak and those who love money can never have enough. Money comes and it goes and we can’t take it with us to the grave. *** Solomon noticed one good thing: It is good to be able to enjoy life and what you have. God gives wealth and good health for us to enjoy. If you enjoy what you have, you won’t have time to brood over the past. It is a tragedy to have a lot and never be able to enjoy it. It is equally sad to desire what you don’t have instead of enjoying what you do have. *** Our destinies have been determined by God before we came to earth, so we should learn to be content with what God has decided for us. *** In Corinthians, Paul instructs the people not to partner with unbelievers. God told the Israelites to come out from among the Egyptians and to come to him. This is a command to us also. We have to cleanse our hearts of things that defile our spirits. *** Even our Proverb tells us that oppressing the poor and using bribery to get ahead will only cause us to end in poverty. *** Lord, may we live our lives to enrich those around us with things money can’t buy. May we be vessels that pour out love, hope, peace and joy to nourish those we meet today.

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