Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - God of Judgment

Read: Isaiah 8:1-9:21; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Psalm 55:1-23; Proverbs 23:4-5 Isaiah asks for two honest men to witness him making a sign which read: Maher-shalalhash-baz which means “quickly to the spoil, hasting the prey.” *** Then Isaiah fulfilled the prophecy about how the virgin would have a son and he and his wife gave birth to a son. They named him the name on the sign because he was the sign. Before he would be able to say ‘Papa’ or ‘Mama’ the king of Assyria would carry away the abundance of Syria and Israel. *** Isaiah told the people of Judah that they had rejected God’s kindness and love and instead they rejoiced when they saw the fate of Israel and Syria. God would flood their land. He warned them not to fear what other nations fear, but to fear the Lord who could destroy them or save them. *** A time of darkness and despair was coming to Judah but it would not last forever. Galilee would one day be filled with the glory of God. Jesus would walk its streets and bring salvation, healing, deliverance and hope. He would be the light in the darkness. The government of the people will rest on his shoulders and he will be our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. God’s government is one of peace, judgment and justice. *** God’s judgment brings destruction to the wicked and those who refuse to repent, but it brings rewards for those who remained faithful to God. *** God spoke out against Jacob. In their arrogance they claimed they would rebuild, but God had proclaimed destruction for them. God would destroy the leaders of Israel and the lying prophets. Even the widows and the orphans were wicked hypocrites. The wickedness of the people would cause them to devour one another. *** In Corinthians, Paul continued to talk about the Super Apostles who told them wild stories of their revelations and encounters with the Lord. Paul could tell them about his encounters but he does’t want to boast. God sent him a thorn in his flesh to keep him humble. Paul learned through this that it is in our weaknesses that He is made strong. *** Lord, in our weaknesses we ask you to be very strong. May our hearts stay humble and pliable in your hands. May we have your eyes to see your signs. May we hear your voice and obey.

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