Monday, September 2, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - Finding Meaning

Read: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:22; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Psalm 46:1-11; Proverbs 22:15 It is important while reading Ecclesiastes to realize that it was written at the end of Solomon’s life when he had married many foreign wives that led him away from the Lord. Proverbs was written in his early life when he was walking with the Lord and realized that the fear of the Lord was the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs is a book of God’s wisdom and Ecclesiastes is a book of man’s wisdom. It is used to show a comparison of both. In Proverbs, Solomon reveres the Lord above all, in Ecclesiastes, he is cynical and almost mad - as insane. *** Solomon says many times in Ecclesiastes that everything is meaningless. It is, if you think that man is in control. He exhausts himself in finding a meaning to life apart from God. He finds it is like chasing the wind. *** Solomon knows God has made him the wisest man in the world which only makes him more depressed. He tries pleasure but when it doesn’t satisfy he tries building something tangible. It all ended up leaving him empty. He then resorts to philosophy and trying to figure out life. He ends up hating life because it is so troubling. He ends up hating all he had built because he is just going to die and leave it to others. *** After all his searching for meaning, he concludes that it is better to enjoy food, and drink and to find satisfaction in work. It all comes from the hand of God. *** Solomon realizes that everything happens in the right time in God’s cycle and his calendar. God plants eternity in the heart of every person so that he will find no lasting fulfillment here on earth. We are hard-wired for eternity. So, Solomon concludes that man should enjoy their lives on earth because it is not meant to last forever in this condition. *** Paul speaks of this same idea in Corinthians but comes up with a different end. He has faced every kind of hardship gladly in order to preach the truth of Jesus. He lived his life with eternity as his goal. He is not living for the now, but the future. *** Paul speaks of ‘time’ also. He says that at just the right time salvation came to us and that day is today. He had learned that having material things mean nothing. He had nothing and yet he had everything because he had peace in Jesus. Solomon had everything and yet he had no peace. *** Paul begs the Corinthians to open their heart to receiving them with love. *** Lord, may we find our meaning and purpose in you, alone. Thank you for the salvation you have given us in Christ. We rest in your love and mercy.

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