Monday, September 16, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - A Picture of the End

Read: Isaiah 22:1-24:23; Galatians 2:17-3:9; Psalm 60:1-12; Proverbs 23:15-16 Isaiah is shown a vision of Jerusalem’s future. He sees the people dying of famine while the leaders have fled and given up without a fight. The walls of Jerusalem have been broken down and the people are trying to survive with little hope. In all their troubles, they don’t ask for the Lord’s help. They don’t repent or show any remorse for their sins. *** Isaiah singles out Shebna and rebukes him for building a monument to himself. Shebna was a prefect, or palace administrator who rejected Isaiah’s warnings for the people. Isaiah prophesied that he would be driven out of his office because he was a disgrace to his master. Eliakim would replace him. He would be a father to the people in Jerusalem and Judah. To him God would give the key to the house of David. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them: when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them. *** The nail that is in the wall so permanently (Shebna) will fall to the ground and everyone who supports him will fall with him. *** God sent a message to Tyre, the marketplace of the world. God will destroy it and bring down all the earth’s nobility. It will be dormant for 70 years, then God will bring it back to life. She will once again be prosperous and become a prostitute to all the kingdoms, but in the end her wealth will be given to provide food and fine clothing for the Lord’s priests. (We are God’s priests.) *** The Lord will destroy the surface of the earth and scatter the people. They will be completely emptied and looted for their sins. They had twisted God’s instructions and violated his laws and broken his covenant. A curse was on the earth and the people must pay for their sins. A few will be left alive. Those few will shout and sing for joy and praise the Lord. All over the earth, those that are left will be signing songs of praise to the Lord. *** God will punish the gods in the heavens and the proud rulers on the earth. They will be rounded up and put in prison and finally punished. God will rule in great glory in Jerusalem in the sight of all the leaders of his people. *** While this is a prophecy for back then, it is a prophecy for right now also. Everything cycles around and we are at this very place where God is about to judge the wicked and reward the righteous. *** Paul goes to great lengths to explain that we no longer have to meet the requirements of the law to please God. We please him and are counted righteous by our faith in him. Our faith is what makes us his children. Our faith in Christ gives us the privilege of sharing in the blessing of Abraham. *** Lord, we put all our trust in you. When nations fall, we will trust in you and we will stand to be your light.

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