Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - Staying Responsive Reaps Rewards

Read: Song of Songs 5:1-8:14; 2 Corinthians 9:1-15; Psalm 51:1-19; Proverbs 22:24-25 We open today’s reading with the lover entering his garden which is Israel. He is looking to find love from his bride. She welcomes him, then goes to sleep. She hears the call of the Lord and yet is too preoccupied to respond. When she gets ready to respond, he can’t be found. *** She begins a desperate search to return to the Lord. Israel has become prosperous and the envy of other nations but she has lost her real king which is the Lord. *** She speaks of her younger sister which is Judah. Israel had many lovers but God was always calling her back. The true bride hears the Lord’s voice and responds. *** In Corinthians, it sounds like Paul was always asking for money, though none of is was going to himself. He reminded the church at Corinth of their original pledge and prays that they fulfill their promises. He relates their giving to planing seed in a field. The farmer who plants many seeds will get a more generous crop. But, giving must come from the heart. God loves a person who cheerfully gives. *** Paul reminds them of the joy their fellow believers will have when they receive their gift and how thankful they will be. They will see how good God is and it will restore their faith in Him. All of this will go to the account of the people who give. In response, the receivers will pray for the givers. Everybody wins! *** Lord, help us to be cheerful givers and may we always be awake to God’s calling and desirous of his presence.

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