Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - Salvation

Read: Isaiah 30:12-33:9; Galatians 5:1-12; 63:1-11; Proverbs 23:22 Israel despised what the Lord said through his prophets and listened to the lies and oppression of the enemy, so the thing they feared came upon them. God told them that the only way they would be saved was if they returned to him so he could show them his love and compassion. *** God wanted to send them a teacher to show them the way back to righteousness and back to him. Then the Lord would be able to shower them with blessings in every area of their lives. *** Those who looked to Egypt for help would be greatly disappointed. They will fail them because they are mere humans. God and his army will protect Jerusalem. The Assyrians will have to face God’s army and they will be defeated. *** God will send his honest prince, Jesus, and those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will receive him and his words. *** The ones who trusted in their riches will be devastated and lose everything, but those who put their confidence in the Lord will live in safety and be at rest. They will plant see and receive bountiful crops. *** The Assyrians who were always the ones who destroyed everyone else, will be destroyed. Those who wait on the Lord will not be disappointed; they will be saved. Their enemies will run at the sound of God’s voice. God promises that Jerusalem will one day be his home of justice and righteousness. *** Paul encourages the Galatians to stay free from serving the law for salvation. Righteousness is obtained by faith not by adhering to the law. If you think the law can make you righteous then you must obey every tittle of it and you must reject Christ who came to set you free. *** Lord, thank you for setting us free from the requirements of the law and giving us grace. May we walk in your Spirit that gives us life.

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