Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - God Will Move

Read: Isaiah 19:1-21:17; Galatians 2:1-16; Psalm 59:1-17; Proverbs 23:13-14 God had a message for Egypt. God would cause them to fight one another. They will call on their idols for wisdom but will be given a cruel master instead. *** The Nile will begin to dry up causing a drought. The answer coming from their government will be foolishness and wrong. Egypt will become weak and will fear Israel. Five of Egypt’s cities will follow the Lord and begin to speak Hebrew. One of them will be Heliopolis. They will cry to the Lord and make an altar to the Lord and a monument to the Lord at their border. The Lord will save them and send a savior to rescue them. He will make himself known to them and save them and heal them. *** Egypt and Assyria will be connected by a highway and move freely between their lands. They will both worship God. Egypt, Assyria and Israel will be a blessing in the middle of the earth. *** God told Isaiah to take off his burlap and sandals and walk naked and barefoot. He did this for three years as a sign of the terrible troubles that were coming for Egypt and Ethiopia. They will be taken away naked as prisoners. When this happens the Philistines will panic, knowing they are next. *** God sent a message to Babylon that disaster was coming to them. They will be attacked by the Elamites and the Medes. When their watchmen see chariot with a pair of horses coming they will know that Babylon is fallen. *** God sent a message to Edom. The night will be long before they can rest in peace. *** A message came to Arabia. They will be overrun by a foreign nation within a year. Tema will provide water for the refugees from Kedar. Kedar was a wandering tribe from northern Arabia. *** Paul continues his testimony. He spent 14 years away from Jerusalem and then God told him to return. He shared with the leaders of the church in Jerusalem his assignment to the Gentiles and they were in agreement of his ministry. *** Paul had brought Barnabas and Titus with him. Some of the false believers infiltrated the church and demanded that Titus be circumcised but Paul and the true believers refused to give in to them. They wanted to rob them of the freedom they had in Christ. *** James, Peter and John recognized Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles and while they ministered to the Jews. When Peter came to visit Paul in Antioch, Paul rebuked him because he stopped eating with the Gentiles because they hadn’t been circumcised. Peter caused Barnabas to follow him in this. He called him a hypocrite because they preached that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not be obeying the law. No one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law. *** Lord, we stand in the freedom you have given us in Christ. We stand for our freedom to reign on the earth as children of the Lord Most High. We do not tolerate wickedness in our nation and our houses, but call them to line up to the obedience of Christ.

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