Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - Messages to Moab, Damascus and Galatia

Read: Isaiah 15:1-18:7; Galatians 1:1-24; Psalm 58:1-11; Proverbs 23:12 God sent a message to Moab by Isaiah. Ar, the metropolis of Moab would be leveled in a night and the people will panic in fear and mourn in sorrow. They will flee to Zoar in the south and Eglath-shelishiyah. Everywhere they look will be destruction and then lions will come and hunt them down. *** They will cry for Judah to help them. They will even send them lambs again like they did when David required the lambs as tribute. *** When the destruction has ended and the raiders have gone it will be the sign that it is time for one of David’s descendants to rule with mercy and truth. This is the Messiah. *** Moab will be completely devastated. They will cry out to their false gods but get no response. *** God told Isaiah that all this would happen in three years from that day. The glory of Moab would be taken down and only a few left alive. *** God gave Isaiah a message for Damascus. It would disappear into a heap of ruins. Then the people will look to their Creator and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel. All this happened because they turned from God who could save them and forgot that he was the Rock who could hide them. *** Armies would rage and make much noise, but God will silence them and make them run away like chaff scattered by the wind. Israel would be afraid for a very short time, but then it would be over and their enemies dead. *** God sent this message to Ethiopia, the headwaters of the Nile. They were a people feared for their conquests and destruction. They would plan an attack but God will stop them and leave them dead on the battle field. They will end up bringing gifts to God’s people in Jerusalem. *** In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he rebukes them for turning away from The Lord so soon. They let themselves be deceived by the false doctrine of salvation. These other apostles had claimed that since Paul didn’t know Jesus, he was not a real apostle. *** Paul reminds them of his own testimony and how he started out persecuting the Christians until he had his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. He then went to Arabia for a while and then returned to Damascus. Three years later he went to Jerusalem to meet with Peter for 15 days. The only other apostle he met was James. After that he went to Syria and Cilicia to tell his testimony and the people praised God because of his great change. *** Lord, may we not look to people to honor, but honor you as the Supreme Creator of us all. May we esteem what you esteem and leave the rest to you. May we not be distracted by silly arguments and opinions. Your opinion is all we want.

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