Friday, September 13, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - The Day of the Lord

Read: Isaiah 12:1-14:32; 2 Corinthians 13:1-14; Psalm 57:1-11; Proverbs 23:9-11 In the day of victory, Israel will praised the Lord and be restored to the Lord. The day of salvation has come. *** Isaiah received a message to report about the destruction of Babylon. God will call armies from many nations to come and destroy the whole land of Babylon. The day of the Lord has arrived and the Lord is coming to judge the world of their evil and the wicked for their sin. The sky will go dark with God’s anger. *** God will stir up the Medes against Babylon. The Medes cannot be bought and will have no mercy. Babylon will become a place for wild animals. *** God will have mercy on Jacob’s descendants and bring them back to settle in their own land. The nations of the world will help them return and those who come to live in the Lord’s land will serve them. They will finally be free from sorrow and fear, slavery and chains. *** Then Isaiah was told to taunt the king of Babylon who struck the people with endless blows of rage and held the nations in tyranny. Finally, the earth is at rest and can sing. *** The spirits of the dead in the pit will welcome the king of Babylon and taunt him also. He will be ridiculed and disgraced. *** God sword an oath to Israel that He would set his people free from the reign of the Assyrians. *** When Ahaz died, God sent a message to the Philistines. They did not need to rejoice that he had died because one more dangerous will reign and you will die of famine. They would be attacked by a nation in the north and destroyed. He was also to tell the Philistines that Jerusalem was built to give refuge to his oppressed people. *** In Paul’s letter, he is warning them that he is coming the third time and hopes that they have heeded the instruction of his last letters. He prays that they have repented and cleaned up their lives. He wants to be able to come and encourage them, not tear them down. *** Lord, may we live with eternity in mind. May we rejoice at what you are doing in our nation to bring about righteousness and truth.

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