Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thur.’s Devo - Solomon’s Last Words

Read: Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; Psalm 49:1-20; Proverbs 22:20-21 Solomon said that having just a little foolishness can spoil great wisdom and honor. On the other hand, if you make big mistakes at your job, by having a quiet spirit you can calm your boss. *** It is a grave mistake to exalt a fool while demoting princes. *** In everything you do, you must count the cost first. God has given us gifts for us to use in our lives, but we shouldn’t be afraid of hard work. *** Watch what you say about those in power over you because it might get back to them. If you are wise and invest, it is wise to have a diverse portfolio. *** We will never understand all the mysteries of God and everything that is coming in the future, so it is wise to fear him. *** If you wait till everything is perfect before your start a venture, you will never start. *** Solomon advised the young to enjoy their youth but to understand that they must give an account to God for everything they do. He tells us to refuse to worry and to keep our bodies healthy. *** He reminds us to remember God before we get too old to be able to make sense. His conclusion is to fear God and keep his commandments because God will bring every work into judgment including every secret thing, whether it is good or bad. *** In Corinthians, Paul was overwhelmed by the generosity of the church in Macedonia. They were very poor and yet they gave abundantly to the church in Jerusalem. *** Paul encourages the church in Corinth to do the same. He reminded them that Jesus, who was rich in heaven, chose to come to earth to be poor and give everything he had to save us. He is our example in how to give. *** Lord, may we remember what your did for us and gladly give of our selves and our means to further your Kingdom on earth. May we refuse to worry and let joy be our medicine.

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