Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wed.’s Devo -The Priests, Levites and Gatekeepers

Read: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11; Romans 4:1-12; Psalm 13:1-6; Proverbs 19:15-16 Aaron’s descendants were the priests who directly ministered before the Lord. Aaron had four sons but two died before they had children because they offered strange fire to the Lord. Aaron’s other two sons were Eleazar and Ithamar. Their descendants were the priests. Their assignments were chosen by lots so that there was no preference given. Twenty-four lots were given out. *** The Levites also received their assignments by lots so that no preference was given and they were not discriminated against because of their age or rank. God chose as he saw fit. *** The musicians were chosen by David and the army commanders. These men were to proclaim God’s messages to music from the lyres, harps and cymbals. David’s own seer was Heman. ( Human means “faithful”.) There were 288 accomplished musicians chosen. They were divided into 24 stations. *** Gatekeepers were chosen. Obed-edom had housed the Ark and he was a gatekeeper. It had been said that when he kept the Ark, God blessed everything in his household. His blessing was children. He had 62 descendants who were all very qualified and capable men. *** In Romans, Paul explained that Abraham was the human founder of their nation. He discovered that it wasn’t his good deeds that made him righteous before God, but it was his faith. Our good deeds are expected of us just like the things we do in our job are expected of us. We are blessed and joyful when we realize our sins are forgiven and forgotten. *** God had chosen Abraham before he was circumcised just as God chooses us in our sin and then makes us righteous through the blood of Christ. *** Lord, thank you for forgiving our sins and counting us as righteousness. May we increase in faith and may our deeds accompany our faith.

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