Friday, July 19, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - The New Temple and the New Covenant

Read: 1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30; Romans 5:6-21; Psalm 15:1-5; Proverbs 19:18-19 David called a meeting of all the leaders of the tribes, the commanders of the army divisions, generals, captains, overseers of the royal property and livestock, the palace officials, the mighty men and all other brave warriors of the kingdom. In other words, all the people in authority were to come to Jerusalem and hear what he had to say. He explained to them that it had been his great desire to build a temple to the Lord, but because he had shed so much blood, the responsibility would go to his son, Solomon. God had promised that if he continued to obey his commands that he would make his kingdom last forever. *** David told Solomon to learn to know God and worship and serve him with all his heart and mind. He sees every heart and knows all man’s plans. If he seeks him, God will be found of him but if he forsakes him, God will forsake him forever. *** David then handed Solomon the blueprint for the Temple and its surrounding rooms and courtyards. He also gave him instructions for the priests and all the workers in the Temple. He detailed the materials to be used and what all the furniture should look like. He designated the gold to be used. Everything was to glorify the Lord. *** As an example to the leaders, David gave all his gold and silver for the Temple. The leaders followed his example and gave generously from their own supply. David was very pleased and prayed a prayer of praise as he dedicated all that was given to the Lord. *** The next day the people brought thousands of animals to be sacrificed to the Lord as an offering. They feasted and drank with great joy. Solomon was crowned as the king an anointed before the Lord by the priest. David had ruled 40 years over Israel - 33 in Israel and 7 in Hebron. He died having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor. Solomon ruled in his place. *** Paul explains the whole plan of salvation in Romans. Sin entered through the sin of Adam. Sin brought death yet it didn’t account to them as sin until the law came. Once the law came man was condemned until Christ came and broke the power of sin and restored our relationship back with God. *** God’s law was given so that we could see how sinful we were but as sin grew, so did God’s grace. Now God’s grace rules instead of death and it results in eternal life. That is the Good News and the New Covenant. Death has been replace by life if we choose grace. *** Lord, we choose life and the joy of having right standing with you. Thank you for the gift of grace and your plan to restore us to you.

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