Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - The New Covenant

Read: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11; Romans 7:1-13; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 19:22-23 Solomon had the bronze altar made which was 30 feet long and 30 feet wide and 15 feet tall. Imagine that! They could put a lot of animals on the altar at the same time. This altar was lifted 15 feet tall so all in the Temple could see it. *** The Sea, which was the bronze basin for the priests to wash in was placed on the backs of twelve bronze oxen and held 16,500 gallons of water. It was placed near the southeast corner of the Temple. Smaller basins were made to wash the utensils in which were placed on the north and south side. *** Ten gold lampstands or menorahs were made and five were placed against the south wall and five on the north side. Ten tables were placed, five on each side. *** There was a courtyard for the priests and a large outer courtyard. The doors for the courtyard were overlaid with bronze. There were water carts to hold the smaller basins and other instruments made by Hurami-abi. *** The gold altar for incense, the tables for the Bread of the Presence, the menorahs, were all made of solid gold. *** When all was finished, Solomon brought the gifts David had dedicated to the Lord and stored them in the treasuries of the Temple. Solomon called all the elders and head of the tribes and leaders of the families to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles. The priests brought the Ark from the City of David to the Temple and the entire community offered sacrifices to the Lord. The priests put the Ark in the Holy of Holies and the singers and musicians led in praise and worship. God responded with a thick cloud that filled the Temple. The priests could not continue because the cloud was so thick. *** Solomon gave a speech that honored the Lord and his father David. *** In Romans, Paul tried to explain that the law was good but it brought attention to what was unlawful for us to do. This made our sinful nature want to do it. The Spirit brought us the power not to sin. We were first married to the law and were bound by it. But through Christ the law has died and we are no longer bound to it. We can now marry the Spirit and be bound to it. It brings life and freedom. *** Lord, we choose your Spirit. We thank you for your laws. May we build your temple within us to glorify you.

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