Friday, July 5, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - The Chronicles of the Kings

Read: 1 Chronicles 1:1-2:17; Acts 23:11-35; Psalm 3:1-8; Proverbs 18:14-15 Chronicles is the recap of the kings through the eyes of the priests in Judah, where the Kings were written by the prophets of Israel. Therefore, the Chronicles will highlight the kings of Judah where the Kings highlighted the kings of Israel. We get some of the same stories from their different view points. *** Chronicles begins with the genealogy beginning with Adam and will take us through to the families of Jacob. All of this information would have been kept by the scribes and priests. 
 *** Notice that the descendants of Adam do not include Abel or Cain. Seth was Abel’s replacement but Cain was the seed of Satan’s union with Eve, not Adam’s. *** Today we read the sons of Noah and their descendants and the sons of Abraham and their descendants. Then we have the kings of Edom which were Esau’s descendants and the sons of Judah or Israel. *** In Acts, Paul had had some trying days in Jerusalem bearing witness of Jesus. God encouraged him that he would be his witness in Rome as well. *** There was a group of about 40 Jews that hated Paul so much they bound themselves with an oath that they wouldn’t eat or drink until they killed Paul. They went to the leading priests and elders and told them their plan. They wanted the priests to ask the council if they could examine Paul’s case better and if they could question him more. When they brought Paul to them to question, they planned to kill him on the way. *** Paul’s nephew heard of the plan and told it to Paul who told him to tell the Roman officer. The Roman officer ordered 200 soldiers along with 200 spearmen and 70 mounted troops to take Paul that night to Felix, the governor. He sent a letter telling Felix about Paul. In if he noted that Paul was a Roman citizen who had offended the laws of the Jews. He had done nothing worthy of imprisonment or death but he had learned about a plot to kill Paul so he sent him to Caesarea. *** When Felix received the letter, he put Paul on the docket to hear the next day. He was ordered to be kept in the prison at Herod’s headquarters until then. *** God thwarts man’s best laid plans and protects his own people. Paul was to be God’s witness and he put him under God’s Witness Protection Plan. *** Lord, may we see that no plan the enemy has against us can prosper, because we are called to be his witness. You are a shield around us. We wake up every morning in safety because You watch over us.

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