Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - The Truth Prevails

Read: 1 Chronicles 11:1-12:18; Acts 28:1-31; Psalm 9:1-12; Provers 19:1-3 Once Saul was dead, all of Israel gathered with David at Hebron and gave their allegiance to David. David made a covenant before the Lord with all the elders of Israel and they anointed him King of Israel just as Samuel had prophesied. *** David went to Jerusalem and captured it and called it the City of David. He had told his troops that the first to attack would become the commander of his armies. Joab his nephew was the first to attack. *** David made the fortress at Jerusalem his home and the surrounding land was rebuilt by Joab. David became more and more powerful because God and His army was with him. *** David had three mighty warriors known as “the Three”. We are only given the names of the first two. Jashobeam and his descendants mean “the people will return with skill” and Eleazar and his descendants mean “God is a loving helper who will give them rest”. The third was not named. Like the third in the Trinity, he was a ghost. Other great warriors and their exploits were listed. They killed giants and fought under harsh conditions but prevailed. *** Thirty men joined him at Ziklag when he was hiding from Saul. They could shoot arrows and sling stones with their left hand as well as with their right. Other warriors came from Gad which were known for their expert fighting skills. Eleven of them were named. They came to David while he was hiding at his stronghold. The Spirit of God came upon Amasai, the leader of the Thirty and he proclaimed their allegiance to David. David let them join him and they became his officers over his troops when he became king. *** In Acts Paul and all the people in the boat landed on the island of Malta. They were welcomed by the people. It was cold and rainy so they people made a fire to warm them. Paul was bit by a poisonous snake while gathering sticks for the fire. The people saw the snake hanging on his skin and thought he was a murderer and this was his punishment. But, when he didn’t die, they changed their minds and decided he was a god. *** The chief official, Pubius, welcomed them into his estate and they stayed with him for three days. His father was ill with fever and dysentery. Paul laid his hands on him and prayed for him and he was healed. Paul was showered with honors and supplies when the time came for them to leave. *** They boarded another ship that had wintered there for the winter named the Alexandrian. They made several stops and encouraged believers along the way and finally made it to Rome. *** The believers in Rome had heard of their coming and came to meet them at the Forum. Paul was encouraged by seeing them. Three days after Paul had arrived, he called a meeting of the local Jewish leaders. He told them his plight with the Jews in Jerusalem and his arrest. The Romans had wanted to release him because he was innocent of any crime but the Jewish leaders protested so strongly, he felt he needed to appeal to Caesar. He didn’t want to press charges against his own people but he felt he had no other choice. *** Paul told them that all of his troubles were over the fact that he believed the Messiah had already come. The people had heard of the movement he was talking about and wanted to hear more. Paul was able to tell them about the Kingdom of God and about Jesus, using the scriptures to prove what he was saying. Some believed what he had to say and others didn’t. He told the ones who argued with him what the prophet Isaiah had said about them that having eyes, they wouldn’t see, and having ears they wouldn’t hear, and having a heart they wouldn’t understand. Then he told them that what they were rejecting was being offered to the Gentiles and they would accept it. *** Paul lived in Rome for two hears at his own expense. He boldly taught about the Kingdom of God and about Jesus Christ. No one tried to stop him. *** Lord may we be like Paul who didn’t back down from what he knew in his heart to be the truth. May we stand bold against evil and lies and wave the banner of truth.

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