Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - The Battle is the Lord’s

Read: 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37; Romans 10:14-11:12; Psalm 21:1-13; Proverbs 20:4-6 When Jehoshaphat got back from Israel, God was not happy with him for going to help Ahab. He sent Hanani, the seer to ask him why he helped the wicked and loved those who hated the Lord. God was mad at what he had done but loved him for what he was doing in his nation to bring people back to him. *** Jehoshaphat traveled throughout his nation encouraging the people to return to the Lord. He appointed judges from among the Levites and priests who would judge with integrity and not take bribes or show partiality in their decisions. He admonished them to judge with the fear of the Lord. *** Amariah the high priest would have the final say in cases involving the Lord and Zebadiah, a leader from the tribe of Judah would have the final say in all civil cases. *** Jehoshaphat was warned that the armies of the Moabites, Ammonites and some of the Meunites were coming to declare war against them. Jehoshaphat went immediately to the Lord to ask for help. He called for a fast and all the people came to Jerusalem to pray for God’s help and guidance. Jahaziel, a Levite stood up and gave then a word from the Lord. He told the not to be afraid or discouraged because this battle was not theirs but the Lord’s. They were to march out to meet them and take their stand and watch what God was going to do. *** Jehoshaphat fell on his face praising and worshiping the Lord. The Levites stood and gave the Lord a very loud shout. *** The next morning, the army went out to meet their enemies. Jehoshaphat appointed singers to walk ahead of the army singing “Give thanks to the Lord: his faithful love endures forever!” The moment they began, the armies of their enemies began fighting one another. They killed each other and it took Israel three days to collect all the plunder. *** What an amazing story of what God will do for us when we are faced with impossible circumstances and we look to him to help us. God really wants to bless us and all we have to do is to look to him. *** Romans asks the question, “How can they call upon him to save them unless they believe in him?” Without faith it is impossible to please God. Jehoshaphat had to believe on God to see God’s salvation. *** Romans was making the point that someone has to have been told about the Lord so they can believe in him and that is where we come in. We are his witnesses. It is not our responsibility to make them believe, but it is our responsibility to tell them and give them the opportunity to choose for themselves whether they are going to believe or not. *** The Gentiles responded to God’s invitation. A remnant of Israel believed - the ones with softened hearts. One day they will return and receive their blessing and be a blessing to the whole world. *** Lord, may our lives provoke others to jealously desire You. May we be your faithful witnesses.

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