Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tues.’s Devo - Solomon’s Commission

Read: 1 Chronicles 22:1-23:32; Romans 3:9-31; Psalm 12:1-8; Proverbs 19:13-14 David knew that Solomon was young and would need help in the task of building a Temple to the Lord so he prepared for him. He gathered all the stone, wood and materials for building and stored them. He sat down with Solomon and instructed him in how to build it. He explained to him how he had wanted to build it himself but because he had shed so much blood in God’s sight, he was not the one to build it. It would be built in a time of peace by his son who would be known as a man of peace. He would be a son to the Lord and God would be his father. His throne would be secure over Israel forever. *** David provided all the workmen Solomon would need for the job and ordered all the leaders of Israel to help him. He told Solomon to seek the Lord with all his heart so that he could bring the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant and the holy vessels of God into the Temple he built to honor the Lord’s name. *** When David was an old man, he appointed Solomon to be king over Israel and gathered all the leaders of Israel and the priests and Levites. There were 38,000 of them. He assigned some of them to supervise the work of the Temple, some as officials and judges, gatekeepers and some to praise the Lord with musical instruments. He divided the Levites into their clans: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. *** The Kohathites were set apart to dedicate the most holy things, offer sacrifices and pronounce blessings in God’s name. All Levites over twenty years of age were to serve in the Temple. They took care of the courtyards and side rooms, helped perform the ceremonies of purification, and were in charge of the sacred bread that was set out on the table, the grain offerings and the weights and measures. Every morning and evening they stood before the Lord and sang songs of thanks and praise to Him. They assisted with the burnt offerings and new moon celebrations and all the appointed festivals. *** The Levites were under the supervision of the priests and faithfully carried out all their duties at the house of the Lord. *** In Romans, Paul explained how the Gentile was no different from the Jew. They both sinned just the same and both needed a Savior. *** The law was given to show man he was guilty before God. No one could ever be made right before God by doing everything it said. It was there to show us how sinful we are. But, now God has shown us a way to be made right before him without keeping the law. It is by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus freed us from the penalty for our sins and died as our sacrifice for sin. We don’t forget about the law, now we can fulfill it. It is written in our hearts and we desire to do what it right. *** Lord, thank you for salvation through Christ. Thank you for making a way for us to be made right with you. Let us put our faith in you and not our own righteousness.

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