Monday, July 22, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - Lord, Have Mercy

Read: 2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10; Romans 7:14-8:8; Psalm 18:1-15; Proverbs 19:24-25 Solomon had made a platform that stood in the middle of the outer courtyard of the Temple. He stood on top of it and bowed before the people to pray to the Lord. God had kept his promise by helping him build the Temple. He reminded the Lord of another promise he had made that if he and his descendants guarded their behavior and faithfully followed his Law then one of them would always sit on the throne of Israel. *** He prayed that God would be their judge and punish the guilty and acquit the innocent in front of this altar. If the nation sins and is defeated by their enemies and prays toward this altar, then may God hear their prayers and forgive their sins and return them to this land. *** If there is a drought, or a famine in the land because of their sins, and the people repent, then may God hear their prayer and forgive them and send rain. *** When foreigners come from distant lands and hear of his great name and pray toward this Temple, then may God hear their prayer. If God’s people are on the battlefield defending their nation or if they have been taken captive to another country turn and pray toward this Temple, then may God hear their prayers. *** Solomon invited God to come and rest along with the Ark. He prayed that the priests would be clothed with salvation and his servants would rejoice. He prayed that God would not reject him. When he finished praying, fire flashed down from heaven and burnt up the burnt offerings and sacrifices and the presence of the Lord filled the Temple. The priests could not enter the Temple because of the presence of the Lord. *** The people fell on the ground and worshiped the Lord singing “He is good! His faithful love endures forever!” They celebrated the next seven days of the feast. On the eighth day they had a closing ceremony and the people went home full of joy. *** It had taken 20 years to build the Temple and his palace. When it was completed, God appeared to Solomon. He told him he had heard his prayer and he would forgive anyone who repented and sought his face. He would watch over his Temple and his name would be honored there forever. *** God told Solomon that if he and his descendants continued to worship him as their God, he would always have one of then on the throne, but if they abandoned him and worshiped other gods, then the people would be uprooted from the land. The Temple would be rejected and become a place of mockery and all would know why. *** Solomon rebuilt the towns King Hiram gave him and settled Israelites in them. He built his cities using foreigners for laborers and assigned his people to fight in his army and be officers and commanders and appointed 250 of them to supervise the people. *** In Romans, Paul describes spiritual warfare. He then gives the answer which is Jesus Christ our Lord. He takes all the condemnation away and gives us his power over sin. If we are controlled by the Holy Spirit then we will think of things that please the Lord instead of letting our sinful nature control our minds. *** Lord, may we be completely controlled by the Holy Spirit and wield our members to be subject to your power. We choose life.

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