Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - King Asa’s Reign

Read: 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14; Romans 9:1-24; Psalm 19:1-14; Proverbs 20:1 Abijah died and his son, Asa became the next king. The land of Judah experienced peace for the next 10 years. During that time, Asa built and fortified many towns and sought the Lord. He also built up an army of over 500,000 men. *** They were attacked by an army from Ethiopia of a million soldiers and 300 chariots. With the help of the Lord, Judah defeated them and carried off a great amount of plunder. *** On his way home, Asa was met by Azariah the prophet. He told Asa that as long as they stayed with the Lord, he would be with them and help them. Asa listened to what he said and removed all the detestable idols from the land of Judah and Benjamin and the towns they captured. He repaired the altar of the Lord and celebrated a Passover like had not been done in years. He deposed his grandmother Maacah as the queen mother because she worshiped Asherah. *** Asa brought treasures into the Temple of the Lord and there was no more war until his 36th year as king. Then King Baasha of Israel invaded Judah and fortified Ramah which was the gateway between the two nations. Israel kept anyone from entering into Judah. Asa responded by hiring King Ben-hadad of Aram to break their treaty with Israel and join with them instead. He paid him with gold and silver from the Temple. *** Ben-hadad agreed to make a covenant with Judah and sent his army to attack the towns of Israel. When Baasha realized what was happening he stopped fortifying Ramah, but God was not happy with King Asa. *** God sent his prophet, Hanani to speak to Asa and told him that since he put his trust in the king of Aram instead of Him, he missed his opportunity to destroy the king of Aram. He reminded him of how God helped him destroy the army of Ethiopia who had chariots and twice the army. He told Asa that because he did this he would be in constant war. *** Instead of repenting, Asa was mad at the prophet and put Hanani in jail and put him in stocks. He began to oppress his people also. He developed a serious foot disease and refused to ask for the Lord’s help. Instead, he went to the doctors for help. He died and was buried in the City of David. *** In Romans, Paul explained that God adopted Abraham to be his son. Abraham’s descendants were to inherit the promises that God had given to him but Abraham had many sons. It was only the sons of promise, through Isaac that these promises would go to. It was not enough to be Abraham’s sons, his promise went to the ones he called. Isaac went on to have two sons: Jacob and Esau but God called Jacob and not Esau to inherit the promise. The same is true for us. God chooses those he wants to be his witnesses to the earth. He is very patient with those he destines for destruction. They have a choice to do what is right. *** To those he chooses to have mercy on, he gives them his glory also so that they would shine for all to see. *** Lord, may our lives display your glory so that we may be your witnesses. Thank you for calling us out of darkness into the light of your dear son.

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