Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - Judah and Israel

Read: 2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22; Romans 8:26-39; Psalm 18:37-50: Proverbs 19:27-29 Rehoboam went home from his meeting in Shechem and mobilized an army from the two tribes that were still loyal to him - Judah and Benjamin. The Lord sent Shemaiah to tell Rehoboam not to fight against his relatives because this division was His doing. Rehoboam obeyed the word of the Lord and didn’t fight against Jeroboam. Instead he went home and fortified the towns he did have control over to keep their food supplies and their people safe. *** All the priests stayed with Rehoboam and many that lived in Israel moved to Judah because Jeroboam wouldn’t let them serve as priests in Israel. Jeroboam made golden calves and goats for them to worship and appointed priests of his own choosing. *** For three years, Rehoboam followed the Lord like David and Solomon. He married his cousins Mahalath and Maacah and had children. He also had other wives and concubines and through all his women he had 28 sons and 60 daughters. He appointed Maacah’s son Abijah as his successor and gave his other sons responsibilities over the fortified towns and provided them with generous provisions and found them many wives. He kept his family happy and well cared for. *** When Rehoboam’s kingdom was established he abandoned the Lord. Because of this, King Shishak of Egypt came and attacked Jerusalem. The prophet Shemaiah told Rehoboam that because the kingdom of Judah had abandoned the Lord, he had abandoned them. Rehoboam and the leaders humbled themselves before the Lord and God didn’t allow Shishak to destroy Judah but they were attacked and robbed. *** Rehoboam continued to rule a total of 17 years. He died at the age of 58 and his son, Abijah became king. Jeroboam was still ruling in Israel. *** War broke out between Jeroboam and Abijah. Jeroboam had twice the soldiers of Abijah but Abijah relied on the Lord and his promises and defeated the army of Israel. Jeroboam lost over half of his army during that battle and never regained his power. He was finally struck down by the Lord and died. Meanwhile, Abijah grew stronger and stronger. He married 14 wives and had 22 sons and 16 daughters. He only ruled three years. *** In Romans, Paul continues his teaching. We have the Holy Spirit that helps us in our weakness. He prays with us with groaning that only God can understand. The Holy Spirit prays God’s will for us. God causes all things to work for our good and his will. God calls those that are his and gives them his glory. *** God did not spare his only son but gave him up for us. Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us. He is now sitting at God’s right hand making intercession for us. All of this is because he loves us and there is nothing that can separate us from his love. No matter what we are going through, our victory is in Christ who loves us. *** Lord, thank you for your love and care. With you on our side there is nothing we can’t do. With your help, may we follow your will and accomplish your plan on the earth.

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