Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sat.’s Devo -Suffering for Christ

Read: 1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4; Acts 24:1-27; Psalm 4:1-8; Proverbs 18:16-18 We continue the chronicles of the family of God. These are the founding fathers of Israel and their families. We continue with Judah’s line. Judah had had three sons. God killed the first two because they were so wicked (Er and Onan). The third son had been promised to Er’s wife, Tamar but when he grew old enough to marry her, he was not give to her. Tamar planned a scheme to get an heir. She ended up having twins by their father, Judah. These sons were named Perez and Zerah. The first-born of Perez was Hezron. *** Hebron had many descendants, one of them being David. David had six sons born in Hebron: Ammon, Daniel, Absalom, Adonijah, Shephatiah, and Ithream. He reigned in Hebron seven and a half years. He reigned another 33 years in Jerusalem. There he had thirteen sons and many sons born from concubines. He had a daughter named Tamar. *** His son, Solomon took his place as the king and his descendants were the next kings until they were taken to Babylon as prisoners. *** In Acts, Paul remained in prison for protection. Ananias, the high priest arrived in town with other Jewish elders and their lawyer, Tertullus to present their case against Paul to the governor. Paul was called in and their lawyer gave all the charges they had against him. *** Tertullus began by praising the governor for giving the Jews a long time of peace and for enacting good reforms for them. But, they had found Paul to be a troublemaker who was constantly stirring up riots all over the world. He was a ringleader of the cult known as the Nazarenes. He was also trying to desecrate their Temple. *** Paul was then given a chance to speak. He pointed out that he had been in Jerusalem for twelve days and had not argued with anyone. *** He stated that he was a member of the Way in which they call a cult. He worshipped the God of their ancestors and believed in the law of Moses and everything the prophets said. He believed in the same hope his accusers believed in. He was not guilty of any crime. The only thing he did was to cry out, “I am on trial before you today because I believe in the resurrection of the dead!” *** Felix was familiar with the Way so he adjourned and told them to wait until Lysias, the garrison commander came. He would decide the case. He had Paul kept in custody but gave him freedom to have visitors. *** Days later, Felix returned with his Jewish wife, Drusilla. They sent for Paul and listened to his testimony about Christ. Paul talked to them about righteousness, self-control and the coming day of judgment. This frightened Felix and he had him stop for a while. He hoped Paul would bribe him to release him but he didn’t. Paul stayed in house arrest for two years until Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. Felix had kept Paul in prison to gain the favor of the Jews. *** Lord, may we be like Paul who was willing to suffer for the sake of Christ. May we be encouraged by his life. We trust in your plan for our lives and the plan for mankind.

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