Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - God’s Witness to the World

Read: 1 Chronicles 16:37-18:17; Romans 2:1-24; Psalm 10:16-18; Proverbs 19:8-9 David set the Levites in place to serve at the place he put the Ark. Obed-edom was mentioned because he had housed the Ark for months. He was made a gatekeeper for the Ark. *** The priests were stationed at the Tabernacle of the Lord in Gibeon where they continued to sacrifice and offer burnt offerings to the Lord morning and evening. The musicians sang praises to the Lord and played their instruments. All the people returned to their homes as well as David. *** David went home and called Nathan to his palace. He told him he wanted to build God a house of cedar so he wouldn’t have to live in a tent. Nathan told him to do whatever was in his heart because God was with him. But that night God spoke to Nathan and sent him back to David to tell him that he was not the one to build him his house. He had never lived in a house but had traveled with them. He had established David as the king and given them a homeland to live in peace. He had built David a house which was a dynasty of kings. One of his descendants would build a temple for him. His throne would last forever. *** When Nathan told David, he completely submitted to God’s plan was was grateful to be chosen. David went on to defeat the Philistines by capturing Gath and conquering the land of Moab and making subjects of their survivors. David also destroyed the forces of Hadadezer capturing his chariots and crippling all his chariot horses. He defeated the Arameans who came to help Hadadezer and captured Damascus making them his subjects. He brought their gold shields to Jerusalem along with large amounts of bronze. Later that bronze would be melted down to make the Sea for the Temple. *** King Toi of Hamath rewarded David with gold and silver and bronze for defeating Hadadezer since he was a great enemy of his. David dedicated all the spoils to the Lord. *** David’s men captured Edom and they became David’s subjects also. David reigned over all Israel and did what was just and right for his people. *** Solomon would build a Temple for the Lord, but he was not the one God was speaking of. Jesus would come from David’s line and build a Temple that would never be shaken or destroyed and we are part of that Temple. *** In Romans, Paul preached about a judgment that was coming that would judge every man’s deeds. Those who continued sinning would have trouble and calamity, and those who did good and honored God would be rewarded with glory, honor and peace. *** The Gentiles who didn’t have the law would be destroyed for their sins, but the Jews who had the law would be judged by the law. The Gentiles who followed their conscience and did good would be rewarded accordingly. The Jews who did wrong would not be saved just because they were Jews. Having the law and not obeying it dishonors God and condemns those who do so. Their actions caused the Gentiles to follow them and be condemned also. *** From the beginning God chose Israel to be his witnesses to the world of who God was. They will be judged on how they did this. Now, we who know God are his witnesses and we will also be judged by how we live this out before the world. *** Lord, may we be your witnesses of righteousness and truth. May we bring honor to your name.

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