Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - The Wise of Heart

Read Pro. 11:29
God loves family. He uses this institution to give us a picture of his kingdom and his great love for his children. We learn how to interact with people in the framework of the home. It is our training ground. I once heard a wise man say, "If it doesn't work at home, don't export it." So if we bring turmoil and trouble to our home our inheritance will be the wind or destruction. The wind is a symbol of the Holy Spirit which can come as a gentle breeze or a tornado. If trouble brings the tornado, then kindness will bring the gentle breeze and we can choose which one we will carry.
We seem to have the hardest time with our families some times but families bring out the real issues in our heart. They are a great sandpaper to sand off the rough edges so let's let that happen. If we don't, we will have splinters that will hurt anyone who touches our lives.
The second part of this verse says the the fool will serve the wise of heart. If we choose to be kind, peaceable, and forgiving in our families, we will be the wise of heart. If we choose to hold grudges and be hard to live with we will be the fool.
Lord, help us to be wise of heart and honor our families that we might inherit the gentle breeze of your Holy Spirit in our lives.

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