Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tues.'s Devo - Dig Deep 7-27-10

Read Pro. 12:3
Ps. 1 gives us a description of the blessed man who walks with God. In verse 3 it says that we are to be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth fruit in our season; our leaves will not wither and whatsoever we do shall prosper. We are to have roots that are not moved. That means that when the storms of life hit us we won't be swayed and moved by them. Our roots get their strength and nourishment from the water which is the Word of God. This gives us the confidence to stand on God's promises until we see them manifest. That means that we don't give up or give in to what the devil has planned for us. If God has planned to prosper us and give us a hope then you can imagine what the devil has planned for us. Today's verse says that a man shall not be established by wickedness. Wickedness has no stability or hope. It is deceptive and will not hold us up under pressure. The devil will set you up for failure, but God's path is the road to success and a future. He loves us so much that he wrote eternity on our hearts so that we will always have hope.
Lord, may our roots go deep into the soil of your Word.

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