Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thurs.'s Devo - Too Wonderful for Comprehension

Read Pr. 30:18-20
Now we get to talk about the awesome things that are too marvelous to understand. The first three represent air, land, and sea and the fourth one has to do with man. Have you ever watched an eagle in the air? They can soar forever and hunt from high in the air because of their keen eyesight. They are one of the largest and most powerful birds and are known as the "king of birds". The eagle is a symbol of spiritual heights. The eagle represent those who soar in the spirit and can see spiritually. The serpent on the rock is a picture of the devil standing on the rock of Jesus. The truth is the devil is totally standing on Jesus for life. He was created by God and is subject to him. One day he did worship God and one day he will fall under his power. The third mystery is a ship on the sea. How does it stay afloat and sail in the midst of that huge sea? How do we stay afloat in the midst of turmoil and waves? God sustains us and guides us. The last is a man with a maid. What is this spell called love that turns us into a different person? It is all a mystery to us. It is what makes God so beyond our comprehension. How did he come up with all these things?
Lord, you are beyond our comprehension and your creation is beyond our finding out. Teach us to meditate on your creation and grasp the enormity of your spirit.

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