Friday, June 10, 2011

Fri.'s Devo -Anger Management

Read Pr. 29:22,23
Anger is a terrible emotion unless it is against the enemy. Some of the definitions of furious in the Hebrew are bottles, heat, indignation, poison, rage, and wrath. Anger is like having hot bottles in your heart that are being put under the fire. Eventually they are going to explode and everyone around is going to get burned. Anger is resentment and bitterness and if left unrepentant will destroy your life and those around you. We cannot control what others do to us, but we can control how we let it affect us. The way to combat anger is found in verse 23: be humble in spirit. That means to go low. It is the opposite of what the world teaches. The world teaches you should be on top and have self-esteem. I think we should have God-esteem. If we know what God says about us and believe it then we will trust in him, turn the other cheek and forgive. This is easier to type than to walk out. Jesus had every right to use his power to set people straight. He was the son of God and yet treated like an insane criminal but he chose not to defend himself. He asked nothing in return for all the people he healed and set free. He chose to forgive because he could see the bigger picture and knew the depravity of man's heart. Through it all, he loved.
Lord, help us to love and forgive those who hate us and use us. Give us a humble spirit.

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