Friday, June 17, 2011

Fri.'s Devo - Judging Others

Read Pr. 30:10
This is another way of saying don't meddle in someone elses business. One day God said to me: "being right is not always right". What he was saying was that just because you know something that is out of order and wrong, it is not always your place to fix it or tell it. Sometimes God allows you to see an injustice because he wants you to show self-control and just pray. Someone elses' servant is not your business. And like the end of the verse says, you might be wrong. Things are not always like they seem but God sees and knows the heart. He knows our motives and he is much more merciful than we are. Jesus met an adulterer at the well and saw past all her sin and saw the longing in her heart to be loved. He spoke to her heart. She was converted. God chooses mercy over judgment so we should too. We should look for a way to see the good in people and support each other rather than see the wrong and judge them by ourselves. That will get you into trouble every time.
Lord, help us to see other people through your eyes of compassion and mercy. Get the log out of our eyes.

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