Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tues.'s Devo - Blessings

Read Pro. 12:11-14
According to the Bible, the best way to get rich is by hard work. If you follow a get-rich-quick scheme you might get immediate results but they usually don't pan out in the long run. We were meant to have to labor for what we get; it is the principle or reaping and sowing. The best investment you can make is giving into the kingdom of God. It is the only safe, sure-fire investment. Then your dividends will not be affected by the economy or lack of. Then you can cash in on Ps. 37:19 that says "they will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough". Verse 12 of today's scripture says that the righteous will yield fruit but the net of the wicked is evil. The wicked want to get their money by not having to work for it. They bring down curses on themselves by what they speak about. Their plans to make money at the expense of others condemns them but God will deliver us out of any trouble we get ourselves in. We will also be rewarded by what our mouth speaks so we can actually bless ourselves by what we say. So it boils down to this: if you work hard with the gifts God has given you and your conversation lines up with God's Word and not your circumstances then you will reap the fruit of God's blessing.

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