Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thurs.'s Devo - Ye are the Light of the World

Read Pro. 13:9
God is light and there is no darkness in him at all but Satan is transformed into an angel of light, so everyone has some kind of light. The light of the righteous causes others around them to be joyful and lighter. But the lamp of the wicked does not benefit anyone and will one day be snuffed out. The only true light with power is God's light. God commanded the light to shine in Genesis and separated it from darkness. Light was the first thing God gave to the earth. Where light seems to spread wherever it is, a lamp is a fixed light. It seems to represent an individual's life. God's lamp passed between the pieces of meat that he told Abraham to prepare in Gen 15:17. The Word of God is called a lamp to our feet. When we are born again, our lamp gets lit with the fire of God. We carry this lamp everywhere we go and its brightness is determined by the amount of fuel we have put into it. If we fill our lamp with God's oil which is the Holy Spirit then it will never go out. If we don't fill our lamps with oil we will be like the foolish virgins who weren't prepared when their time came.
Lord, help us to prepare our lamps every day with the oil of your Holy Spirit and may the light inside us shine to a dark world.

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