Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tue.'s Devo - The Fountain of Life

Read Pro. 13:13, 14
If you despise God's word you will be destroyed. I looked up "despise" in the Hebrew and it means to "disrespect". How do we disrespect God's Word? We can have five copies and only open them once a week or less. We can read it everyday but not meditate on it and hide it in our hearts. We can read it and never apply it to our lives or only apply it when we have the faith. It is easy to believe God sent Jesus to save us for our sins but is it easy to believe God can heal your son of a hereditary disease? Jesus went through town after town healing everyone in the town. He didn't stop to ask God if it was his will to heal them; Jesus was healing and that same Jesus dwells in us and promised that we would do greater works than him. If you disrespect God's word it says that you will be destroyed; BUT, he that fears the commandment shall be rewarded. The reward is that you get what the Word says you get. It has promised us salvation, relationship with our creator, abundance, health, joy, peace, love, protection, and a spiritual inheritance that we can pass down to our children. It is truly a fountain of life. How could we despise that?
Lord, forgive us for disregarding your word in any way. Help us to treasure the Word of God more than food or drink.

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