Monday, August 16, 2010

Mon.'s Devo - The Power of the Spoken Word

Read Pro. 13:2-5
Voice is a powerful vibration that sets things into motion. What we say is so important because we get what we say. Our words are like seeds that we plant and they germinate and grow into something much larger than the seed. If you can control your tongue and not say negative destructive things then you will protect yourself from self-destruction. Jesus spoke to a fig tree and cursed it. The next time they passed the fig tree it was completely dried up. God blessed the seed of Abraham and it grew into the mighty nation of Israel. We have that same power in our tongue. We can bless and curse and it will come to pass. If we understood how important our words were maybe we would be more selective and careful about what we say.
Lord, put a watch over our mouths and warn us before we are about to say something destructive. Help us to bless what you bless and curse what you curse.

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