Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday's Devo - Black Holes

I had a dream a few nights ago. I was in my bathroom with a can of Comet. I was sparingly sprinkling Comet in the sinks, tub, shower and commode. I only had a small amount in my can. Dave walked in with a new can of Comet and liberally sprinkled it in one of the sinks. Then I noticed a huge hole in the floor of our bathroom. The tile people had left a sample board concreted in the ground. It was a mess. I just kept wondering how the builders didn't catch such a flaw and why we had never gotten them to fix it in our first year of warranty.
As I have meditated this dream, I picked up the book I am going to be teaching for Women's Bible Study. It is called Reclaiming Surrendered Ground. I picked it up and started reading the Introduction about how we as Christians allow Satan to take some of our ground. Once in the door, Satan will reek all kind of havoc in our lives and the lives of our family.
So now I am praying for discernment about what this hole is in my life. Your bathroom signifies your prayer closet. I think the Comet is God's grace. I think I have a limited amount but God has an abundant amount. I have a huge hole in my prayer life where the devil has stolen some ground. God has left me a "sample" of every kind of prayer in the Bible. It is in the foundation. I know this is a picture to prepare me for what I am going to be teaching. I am being given a personal testimony to work on in my own life so I can share it with my class.
Lord, show me the foundational prayers I should be claiming for my family and myself. Help me name this ground that has been stolen and get it back.

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